Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Lizzie asks…

How long before the movie industry collapses completely?

With everyone seemingly watching movies downloaded from file sharing sites, I see the movie industry going the way of the music industry- free.
Will future movie productions be limited to home movies of somebody’s dog swimming lengths of the pool, and posted on youtube?
What do you think?
No more Oscars?
A good thing?

admin answers:

Not a good thing, but people don’t understand the damage that’s done by patronizing pirate/bootleg sites.

Guess they’ll miss it when movies are gone.

Charles asks…

How do I download western movies to watch on my computer and TV?

I download movies through mininova and torrent. But I do not find western cowboy movies there. Suggest any other free download site and step by step procedure to download the movie

admin answers:

You have many online sites where you can download films but the best site according to me to watch films online is

David asks…

Where can you get movies to download for media players other than IPod?

We purchased an Archos media player and while it gets great ratings we haven’t a clue where to purchase movie downloads for it. The only site we know of is ITunes and then we would need a converter that works in order to load the movie on to our unit. Can anyone help?

admin answers:

If the archos is able to play wmv. Files then you can copy your dvd collection for free to the device using the software on i use it for my zune and its probably the easiest dvd to wmv software i have used and its free and you can also try a site called i know its for zune players but if your media player plays wmv they have tones of free movies on the site but you have to become a member its free then you can search for the movies.

Laura asks…

What are good sites for free music downloads?

I’m putting music on my iPhone since I have to reset everything. What are good free music downloading sites?
I have to reset my entire iPhone, meaning everything needs to be backed-up, I have plenty of PURCHASED music from my iTunes account. I wasn’t asking “Please lecture me about what’s illegal about free music.” Thanks but you’re “answer” is a buzz kill. Everything in CAPITAL LETTERS LIKE YOU’RE YELLING. Waaahhhhhhhh!

admin answers:

ITunes makes it too darn complicated and near impossible to recover older purchases. Sure, anything purchased recently gets put in our cloud, but sharing (as in LEGALLY – on my OWN MP3 player, tablet, phone, etc) and transferring songs in iTunes is such a massive PITA!!!

Yup, that person is right about the illegal stuff BUT when they finish up by saying that you are not entitled to download for free that which you have already purchase, technically this is NOT correct. If this were the case, every time we purchased a song, we would only be entitled to listen to it once & then we would have to purchase it again. But, by purchasing it, we are paying royalties for the use of that song. When you buy a song, you can listen to it as many times as you want because you have already paid your fee to have the rights to do so. Why should you have to purchase it again? You are not using it for promotion (ie. Airing it in a video, tv program, movie – they have to pay EACH time they use a copy-written song, unless they have paid to have certain usage rights to a song – like ‘CSI’ doesn’t have to pay EVERY time they use The Who song during their credits, the show has bought certain rights to use that song as its theme song).

Ya, I still feel guilty about trying to find & download free tunes. I bought so many songs (still buy them) through iTunes, Amazon & CD’s. But, then I found I couldn’t purchase a lot of the songs I wanted that were more obscure. And to top it all off, I can’t tell you how many problems I have had with iTunes – corrupt songs & videos, unwillingness to help w/ refunds or just about anything (unless you want to get charged $29.99 a month!), file transfer & share problems – let’s just say, when I purchase songs, I almost always use Amazon – less hassles AND less money!

This is a little bit more involved, but remember, this gives you access to just about EVERY SONG out there in one place.

So, here’s what I’d suggest:
Go to and download their FREE Youtube to MP3 converter (they offer other free programs that are very useful). The ONLY ‘glitch’ with this program is that if you don’t download their toolbar (have option to add on their toolbar and a link to some web page – I always opt out), you only get, I think it’s 10 downloads before you have to delete the program & re-install it. Pretty sure if you use their toolbar, you can do limitless downloads – but don’t know for sure cause haven’t tried – I like my toolbar 😉

I was very leary of unknown websites and what I might import BESIDES the music I wanted. Took me a while to find a trusted site/program that worked well & was easy to use. I tried different programs that didn’t work as well – they seemed to lock up during downloads.

I got started on using this program because my favorite band (30 Seconds To Mars) has many songs that have only been performed live in front of an audience (like ‘Save Me’ & ‘No Other Son/The Believer’ have no studio recording & ARE NOT available for purchase) or had hard time finding song (like ‘Valhalla’) through any trusted MP3 website (to purchase or otherwise – and I was not about to purchase a song & give my credit card info to some random website).

Being addicted to music, on one hand I can’t help but find ways to download songs that I would otherwise not have access to; but on the other hand, I have to admit I have wicked conscience and have guilted myself into only using this program for songs or videos that CANNOT be purchased – but that’s just me. If 30 Seconds To Mars walked up to me and asked for $20 for the songs I downloaded, I’d be more then happy then to give it to them – they deserve being compensated for what the music they have created.

Sandra asks…

Is there a way i can watch The Lovely bones without taking some stupid quiz or downloading?

ok, i have taken like 3 quizes and came across i don’t know how many download sites. i don’t know how many youtube videos i’ve tried, and one time i had to get a fricken code sent to my phone, and when i finally got to the movie, it was a trailor. is there any way i can watch The Lovely Bones for free without all of this?

admin answers:

Go to type in the lovely bones here is the direct link

in my opinion, with the options you are given, videoweed and fairyshare are the best players. But that don’t mean they will work great for you, so just find one that works. I hope this helps.

And with this site, there is not downloading or surveys. Enjoy your movie

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