Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Sandy asks…

What is a great site for downloading and burning movies?

I am looking for a good free site to download, watch, and burn movies.Can anyone recommend a good place for this?

admin answers:

This site can tell you how to download movies online for free.

Joseph asks…

What is the best site for free pspmygames download?

Just wondering what is the best site for downloading free pspmygames
there;s just lots of blogs out there.but I want no hassle download.



admin answers:

Websitefpsp free psp games and movies, its all free

Jenny asks…

How does the wii free game downloading sites rank?

I’m researching those free to download wii games+ music+ movies+ etc., and i wanted to know which ones are legit, and dependable.

admin answers:

I have heard the best things about and

Some people have been dissappointed after signing up to a “free” download site, because they find out that they are directed to public file sharing networks to download games.

Usually the thought that goes through their minds is, “heck, I could have just gone directly to the public file sharing network and saved myself $50.”

The main advantage of signing up to a download site is the tutorials and free software which they provide. They also provide you with tech support.

So, in my opinion, the download sites you sign up to are a good investment for someone who has no idea what they are doing, but would like to download free games quickly.

There is also a 60 day gaurantee that comes with many download sites, so you can get a refund if you don´t like the service.

That being said, you can find a review of the top 4 download sites at:

If you decide to get a refund from any of the sites at the link above, go directly to Click Bank to get your refund. You will get your refund much faster this way.

Home v3

special note:
It has been rumored that Nintendo has to ability to deactivate you Wii remotely if they find you have been playing pirated games. This my only be true if you use a mod chip, but Im not sure.

So, if you decide to download, you may want to avoid getting nintendos software updates. However, some mod chip sites are offering a modified version of the software update that will not deactivate your Wii. You may have to do a bit of research to get the details.

Richard asks…

What do you think are the worst types of questions for this section?

My votes:

1. Sites to download free movies
2. Film techniques (usually for some fool who can’t do his own homework)
3. Anything related to what’s being hyped up to the point of annoyance
The most recent example of #3 being “The Hunger Games”. I’m sure it’ll be great and all, but come now… really?

admin answers:

I definitely agree with #1. That should be a “drinking” question.

As for #3, that would be “Hunger Games”.

Edit: Exactly

Ken asks…

Im looking for a good site to download Adult Movies?

My husband and I are looking for a site to download free Adult movies. We currently use BT Junkie, but it doesn’t have much of a selection.

admin answers:

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