Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Ruth asks…

Where do I find free, NO DOWNLOAD, movie/tv show sites?

okay, here’s the question. I know there are answers to, where do i find free download sites for movies. but I did however, find one site, that you can watch tv shows, movies etc….no downloading….no fee….NOTHING….though, some movies die out and i was wondering if there are any other sites like this….the place i found [through a friend] was —check it out! please do help me though

admin answers:

There is a great review of the best streaming (no download required)movie and tv show sites at . These sites do charge a small fee but using their services saves you a lot of hassle and disappointment as they give you access to a wide range of DVD quality files so worth checking out. Good luck 🙂

Mandy asks…

What are some non virus free movie downloads sites?

I really need some sites that will allow me to download movies for free.

admin answers:

You do realize that “non virus free” means it DOES have viruses, right? I doubt thats what you meant to ask.

Daniel asks…

Good FREE movie DOWNLOADING sites, where you can not only watch a movie but Download it as well?

I need a place where I can download Free movies on my computer or iPod, not only watch them
i mean where you dont have to sing up or anything just download for and iPod or Computer or maybe burn on a DVD
Thank you verry much

admin answers:

Hope it can help you.

Sharon asks…

What are some free movie download sites like…..?

Ninja video,. Those knida sites that arent torrent but virus free sites that are independant

admin answers:

Charles asks…

Free Movie download sites?

I accidently bought some blank dvds instead of cds, I dont want them to go to waste, do you now of any free movie download sites so I can use my discs?

admin answers:

Download Bit Torrent. Then go to Torrent sites such as Pirate Bay, Isohunt, btjunkie, mininova and do a search on any Movies you’re after. Do check the comments section on each movie, that way you’ll see if it’s worth downloading or not!

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