Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Helen asks…

Where to watch free movies on iPod touch?

Where can I watch free movies on iPod touch? Websites that actuall work. I guess downloading sites work too but mainly just to watch them. And if you have a downloading site plz tell me what apps will let me actualy watch the movie instead of just saying ” file not supported” thanks!!

admin answers:

There are many movies on YouTube in which you can watch on itouch. They’re usually the old movies though.

George asks…

Where can i download free good quality movies?

i want to know of a site that has good quality movies and wont give my computer a virus?

admin answers:

This is where I download movies from . Http://
the best part is that there all of the files are virus free. Much better than torrents.

Hope this helps 🙂

Sandra asks…

How long do torrent movies take to download?

so lets say someone decided to break the law and lets say… downloaded Watchmen 1080p from a torrent site, how long would that movie take to download? (thats IF someone did do it)

admin answers:

I usually watch movies on cinema but i also love to have a copy on my hard drive


They have some movies available for free


Mark asks…

Are there free or inexpensive movies online that are good quality?

Just looking for a good site on-line that has the most recent movies, as well as classics, for inexpensive download, but good quality, not the Japanese ones, or the ones people recorded ilegally.

admin answers:

There’s a review and comparison of the features of the top movie download sites at all the sites reviewed offer DVD quality movies that are regularly updated so I’d definately recommend checking that out before you make your decision. Good luck 🙂

Linda asks…

Whats a good free downloading program for tv shows etc?

I usually use icefilms but it’s not working anymore, when I download an episode it just downloads the megaupload add? Whats another good FREE site?

admin answers:

TV shows are all in horrible quality. But you can get torrents, that’s the easiest way. Download utorrent and go to piratebay. Make sure you download whatever it is you need that has the HIGHEST seeds.

But if you want to download movies in 720p or above, you can either:

-Use torrents
-Try this (read below)

Download Jdownloader, a software that allows you to copy links and download them. Anything at all. Youtube, mediafire, megaupload etc.

However, the best way to get movies REALLY quickly is to go to google, type in “mediafire movies” and go some of the websites listed on the first page (too many so couldn’t mention em). Look for 720p movies and/or BRip tags so only those movies will show up, and whilst having the Jdownloader program on, just go over to the mediafire links and copy the URL down, it will automatically run it in that program so there’s no need to paste.

At the bottom there should be 3 little text boxes that say “1” change those to whatever you want, i usually put 7 or 8. This way it will download 7 or 8 files at a time, with each file having nearly the same download speed. The good thing is that mediafire allows you to download multiple files at once. There are around 3-5 parts for each film on average, so in about 2 hours you’ll probably have 6 movies downloaded (depending on your connection) with excellent quality.

As for the tv shows, like i said most are at a horrible resolution, same with torrents. I always rent the TV shows on DVD instead.

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