Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Lizzie asks…

What website should I visit to watch movies?

I want a website that shows free streaming films, NO DOWNLOADING!!! Also, the site should have tons of films, with movies that aren’t big-budgeted either.

admin answers:

You can try

Donald asks…

How can i watch 12 Monkeys movie online?

Is there any site online where I can watch movies ( 12 Monkeys ) without downloading anything. Sometimes people post movies on Youtube but nobody posted 12 Monkeys on it. Does anyone know any sites where I can watch movies for free and don’t have to download anything? Thank you.

admin answers:

12 Monkeys freakin rules! Love Brad Pitt in that one. Yeah you should head over to OVGuide. They have it there and it is free and really easy to use. No downloads or registration or anything like that.
Enjoy 🙂

Donna asks…

Can you download movies onto your ipod from limewire or another website?

Are there any sites where you can download movies free? Is limewire free?

admin answers:

Only if its in MP4 format, or mpeg4, something like that. Or you could get a converter (i think i might this weekend) to convert the movie to ipod format

Lisa asks…

can someone tell me programmes that download free music and movies?

hi I need a programme for download free music and movies…I have windows vista…before I use emule but now it’s no longer work. I tried with lphant,limewire ect but the spybot stopped them and it block my computer… what I do?

admin answers:

There are many great programs and sites here:

James asks…

How can I download youtube videos for free?

I’m trying to make a tribute video of my favorite singer…but I can NOT find a website where I can download the video free..and when i download from free sites then it won’t let me use it on my windows movie maker…How can I download it free and use it on Windows Movie Maker?

admin answers:

Download YouTube Downloader HD for free. It’s great and it supports HD formats.

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