Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Thomas asks…

How to find free online movies and programs?

Name me some free online movie and tv programs sites to go to for entertainment.

admin answers:

Well basically I don’t even have to name them, all you do is put the movie in the search bar and diffrent sites will come up. It all depends on if you’re willing to download a software to watch it or not. If its just one movie search it, but if you love to watch movies try out Netflix. There is like a free trial to try it out. Don’t worry you won’t be dissapionted!

Mandy asks…

Where can I watch the full version of the Breakfast club online?

I want to watch the movie, but everything is a clip or trailer or download or stupid scam site. Where can I watch it for free without a download?

admin answers: is where I watch all my movies. You don’t have to download anything!

Charles asks…

Where from i can download free bolly wood movies and vedio songs?

I’ve seached alot on google to download free bollywood movies and vedios songs. Bt didn’t found any good vebsite. It show me some some sites. Bt they were so complicated. I didn’t find any download button and didn’t download a single vedio..

admin answers:

Well Bollywood movies will be on bittorrent (pretty sure it’s legal too!). You just need to download one thing first, then go to isohunt or type “(name of movie) torrent” into google.
Here’s the ‘client’ that you use to download it:
And a website to get you started: <–That's where I found the Indian Aladdin movie, which is awesome and I totally reccomed it to everyone.

I think you mean music videos for the other part right? That's probably a bit more frowned upon, but if you download Firefox there are a bunch of add-ons that let you rip videos off of youtube.

Lizzie asks…

Know any trustworthy download sites for animation software?

I need an animation software program but im hoping to get it for free or for a free trial to download. I dont want any viruses or anything…A trustworthy site would be nice.
Know any?

admin answers:

For 3D animation the one and only choice is Blender – a completely free and open source 3D animation suite that is comparable to some of the best paid for software on the net. I’ll not try to fool you, Blender is a complicated program that takes time and effort to learn but because it is free there is a massive community of online users out there to help you out. I started using blender 12 months ago with no previous experience in animation and have taught myself how to use it purely through online tutorials and forums. I am by no means a master but can now produce some great looking stuff, you can see what I do with blender here – or just google Blender art to see what other people produce with this amazing free software.
If you want something simpler then you could try Pencil – a freeware 2D animation suite that lets you hand draw your characters, and also lets you import bitmap images for backgrounds.
If you want really simple to get you started then try out Pivot (I’ve forgotten the web address, just google it) which is stick figure animator, where you create animations by moving the limbs of any number of pre-created stick characters to create your movies. It is obviously limited by what you can do with 2D stick figures but may be a good place to start if you’ve never done animation before.
All these programs are free to use and no matter what software you choose to use, these days there you can usually find free tutorials and forums online that will be able to teach you what you need to know.
Just remember that regardless of the method you choose animation is a long and time consuming process and you won’t see results instantly, you will need a lot of patience if you want seriously have a go at it.
Hope this helps.

Linda asks…

Trying to find a Free Movie site for series of Planet of the apes?

I want to do a Planet of the apes marathon tonight with some friends.

I can’t seem to find any free movie sites that have The original 4 movies on it. Anyone know where I can find them that I can stream online without downloading/paying/doing a survey or anything else half these sites make you do.

admin answers:

I had them from bittorrent. Go get em that way.

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