Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

Lisa asks…

What internet site allows you to download new releases of movies for free and is reliable?

I’ve wanted to watch heaps of movies in the holidays but because they’re 3d it’s really expensive.
I went over to my family friend’s house and they downloaded a movie for free and at the time I forgot to ask them about it and I don’t know their number cause they moved houses.

admin answers:

Google Project Free TV. The first link should say something about movies. While you can not download the movie, you can most definitely watch new movies on your computer. Works pretty well too..

Joseph asks…

Where can I watch movies online for free and no downloading?

Where can I watch movies online for free and no downloading? i already have a site but the movie i’m looking for is not on there. plz help.
i already tried thats the site i couldn’t find it on and i couldn’t find it on youtube.

admin answers:

Just search your movie titles here for places to watch it online:
It also have a list of popular free movie sites you can check out.

Ruth asks…

The best site to download all new releases for free?

Can everyone help please, i want the best sites to download all the new releases for free.

admin answers:

You can always watch brand new movies online for free at

Charles asks…

Cool site to download films in a different language?

Hey people, i need your help. I am portuguese and i need help on finding a online site where can download free movies in portuguese. I really need your help. 🙂
Thanks everyone for answering! God bless <3

admin answers:



Sandy asks…

What website can i use to download books for free?

i love reading, but im broke at the moment, so i was wondering what site i could use to download books for free. Just the normal fiction/thriller/mystery books/novels.

admin answers:

To Download:

To Read Online:
Stories and poems of ancient authors

To Read Online:

To Read Online:
Internet Sacred Text Archive. A site for many religious myths and Tibetan Book of the Dead. Link to Vikramaditya stories of India.

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