Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Free

John asks…

Im looking for a free site that i can download the movie a bronx tale?

i cant find any sites that have this movie.

admin answers:

Are you bent? Just check it out from your local library and then burn it to a blank dvd.

What? Your library doesn’t have free dvds? Where the hell are you? In ENGLAND???

Carol asks…

Do you know a good site to download free tv shows?

it seems like people only ever download free music and that theres plenty of those sites, what about tv shows?

admin answers:

Well, I’m pretty sure you can download shows & movies from here. But streaming them is the best, & I think it’s the best website.

Richard asks…

Where can I download effects for Windows Movie Maker?

New ones, not the ones that came with it. I have vista, and preferably a free and reliable site.

Also, is here a way to put textures on videos in movie maker?

admin answers:

Try googling windows movie makers

William asks…

I need names of computer programs that make movies and edit them?

I have movies that are long movies I want to make them shorter or take just one or two shots from them and I need names of the easiest programs that can make that. Please if you know free sites to download them too. Thanks.

admin answers:

This link will give you many choices of video editing software

p.s. If you have windows you already have a free video editor it is installed when you install windows XP. It is called windows movie maker.

Steven asks…

Where can I watch Eva Angelina scenes or movies/vids for free and without downloading it?

Where can I watch Eva Angelina scenes or movies/vids for free and without downloading it?

admin answers: bro

best site ever

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