Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

George asks…

Are there any legal movie DOWNLOAD sites?


NOT rent. NOT watch online. NOT free.

Exactly like legal music downloads, (meaning we select, buy and save to computer), except it’s movies?

admin answers:

Itunes is the first thing that comes to my mind hope this helps

Michael asks…

Legal Movie Download Sites?

I’m just wondering about sites that are legal to download movies from. I would like ones that have a membership (For example $30 a month) or ones that charge per download ($5 a movie)


admin answers:

The sites here are all legal:

They charge $1 per movie

Richard asks…

Are there any movie sites legal to download movies?

admin answers:

Well legal mean buy. Try amazon

for free you can try or


Robert asks…

are there any free legal movie download sites?

i want one where i dont have to download and install 20 differnt software packages or codec to watch the film after i have downloaded it..and no spam on the answers please, i wont buy viagra or want to see a woman ‘with’ a horse thank you very much

admin answers:

You can download legal movies from the sites listed on

William asks…

are there any legal movie download sites with new releases?

admin answers:

Yes, reviews the best movie download sites, take a look at them

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