Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Chris asks…

I have a dvd and i want o make a copy of it, How do i do it?

admin answers:

. We are NOT here to judge! So we’ll assume your copy of the dvd would be Legal.
You might need a dvd Player AND a dvd Burner.
Or load the original dvd into your hard-drive and then download it onto a new dvd thru the burner.
It takes about 7 Gigs of space!
Info from this site @ :
“…Magic DVD Copier is a very easy and powerful DVD copy software, which can copy any DVD movie to blank DVD or hard drive without any loss of quality, or compress a DVD9 movie to fit on a 4.7 GB DVD. You need only insert your DVD movie and a blank DVD then press Go, everything will happen automatically and complete within 20-60 minutes.” ,,, Cost $35.

Check out the sites below >>>

Richard asks…

Where can I watch adventureland online free?

I really want to watch it but all the ones on are really fuzzy and bad. Does anyone have a goodwebsite?? I would prefer no downloading.
I would also prefer NOT i repeat NOT to have to fill out a survey 1st. Thanx!

admin answers:

Hi, you can watch movies for free at:

but the quality is not that great.

If you would like to watch movies in high quality you might consider one of paying sites, they only charge $11.65 per year, that’s less than $1 per

month and it’s copletly legal and quality is same as watching DVD-s and you can watch as many movies as you want with no extra charge.
You can find more details at:

Daniel asks…

what website can i use to download movies on theather for free?

i used to use ss upload but it dont work no more and im trying to find one as good as ssupload was? thaank you…

admin answers:

Nowhere that is legal.

Theatrical releases are only in the theaters, so you have to pay to see it there, and eventually on DVD and pay download sites. That is simply the way movie releases work.

John asks…

Does really work? Is it a scam? What channels do you have?

I’m thinking of downloading and purchasing
However I’d like some of yours experiences and opinions on it…
Is it illegal?
Does it work?
Is it worth it?
What programmes are available for users in the UK?
Whats the picture quality like?
And anything else you would like to add!
Appropriate answers only.

admin answers:

Hi it is legal. If it works or not depends on your pc and your internet connection if it were me i would download hulu or some other free streaming movie site and see how it streams movies first.should have the same picture quality and stream the same as satellitedirect tv.

Donald asks…

Why do my postings on here get deleted?

Why is it that whenever I post something truthful that challenges the integrity of American government, foreign affairs or society my post gets deleted?.
Who deletes it and why?.
Why am I not be able to speak what I know to be true?

I’m also interested to know if I will be banned from here if I continue to be reported?

admin answers:

You may have broken the guidelines and they were reported. Or possibly trolls reported them Internet trolls are people who create problems for others on different sites while contributing nothing positive. There are many on Yahoo Answers, they report extremely small violations, which in many cases aren’t even violations; they also give “thumbs down” constantly often with no valid reason. Because of trolls, to protect yourself, if you haven’t done so already, you may find it best to edit your info to keep your questions and answers hidden that makes it tougher them to stalk you around the site. If necessary even change your avatar and i.d. Or post in other than your usual categories. Trolls often hang out at controversial sections such as religion, homosexuality and polls, when someone posts what they disagree with, they report them.You can of course appeal but unless you are really sure you have been wronged forget it.

Everyone here can have their YA account suspended,as a rule it doesn’t depend on the number of violations but more the severity of the violations. If you are being advised they have been removed then they have been reported. You can read the guidelines and terms of service below, they tend to be very ambiguous, Chatting is a catch all. All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music etc. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal. Links to spam and scams can result in a fast exit. Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers and if you believe you are being stalked go to other categories.

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