Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Donna asks…

is watching but not downloading a movie online illegal in Pennsylvania?

I wanted to watch a movie that came out onto DVD. So I went onto And started to watch it. Then something occured to me. What if what I was doing was illegal? I only watched like 5 minutes of the movie and I closed out the movie and the internet. I want to know if that was legal. I didn’t have to download anything I just went to the site and started watching the movie. It was really good quality, and if its legal it was a really good website. PLEASE HELP!

admin answers:

If you were watching it on your pc then you WERE downloading it.

Laura asks…

does anyone know where i can watch or download the movie called the nightmare years starring Sam Waterston?

I saw this movie on tv a few months ago and i would like to watch it again please can you help me

admin answers:

Try some of these legal sites.

James asks…

how can you download games to the psp?

how can you download games to the psp and what format does it play movies. i downloaded a few movies to it and it either says it’s corrupt or it shows on the memory but not under movies.

admin answers:

PSP videos will have to be in PSP mp4 format with specific aspect ratio only for the psp. That is 480 x 272. A video converter such as from this website should do the job.

To play psp game ISOs you must install custom firmwares onto your psp. First you have to check your PSP model. So far only the psp-1000 and psp-2000 models are 100% hackable and they are working on hacking psp-3000 series.

Check out this site for hackable psps.

Once you are sure that your psp is hackable. You must have a pandora battery and a magick memorystick to flash the official firmware and install the custom firmware with them. I can’t explain this in detail as I don’t think it’s legal. But go to the forum for more info on this matter. It is a huge psp community with a lot of helpful people.

Good luck =)

Ken asks…

What websites lets you be able to download music, movies, videos, etc.?


admin answers:

Itunes is a legal one

the free sites are not legal

Thomas asks…

Is there a website where I can download the PSP noSy 1 offline Browser for free?

I need the offline browser so that I don’t need to make or buy an access point for it.
Here are two links
Here are two links of the browser

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

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