Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mandy asks…

How can I watch the movie October Sky if I don’t have it at home?

admin answers:

How about renting it, purchasing from a legal or illegal movie downloading site(which ever you feel more comfrotable with), or wait for it to appear on T.V again, although that might be awhile.You could also purchase it on a video on demand service if you have digital cable, assuming the movie is an option. Several ways to go about doing it. Kind of a silly question.

Lisa asks…

Why do some of my questions go missing?

They don’t show on the category list even though they arn’t rude.

admin answers:

Questions without answers get removed after 4 days 8 if you extended it or no best answer” won the vote. Questions without answers are not useful for the site, so they are removed. You don’t lose any points.
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Here is the link to appeal:;_ylt=AqSixcLqgNB6qjbOqvw87AVs5SN4?

Charles asks…

Free things are not safe for your computer like Pandora?

Which makes me sad because now I have no music to listen to,except for YouTube. So would BigFishGames also be unsafe since the games are free for an hour?

admin answers:

Okay, you’re both right and wrong. Some free things, like illegally downloading music and movies are not safe for your computer (and network). But there are some alternatives to music. Pandora is 99.99% safe (you can never be 100% sure), but some alternatives to Pandora and YouTube are:

–> Last.FM : This is located at
This site is just like Pandora, but after you favorite a song, you can listen to a play list of songs you have favorited. And there’s no hourly limit nor a set number of skips. And no voice ads like on Pandora.

–> Grooveshark : This is located at
This is the site I use most often for this. Essentially, Grooveshark makes contracts with music providers to have their songs on the sites. In return, Grooveshark gives the companies ad space (usually just bars on the right, it’s not annoying at all. They’re very family friendly, like advertisements for Progressive insurance or College advertisements). They also have a radio feature that works like Pandora. The best thing? You can listen to pretty much any song whenever you like — it’s legal because they are streaming the music live. You can even pause and rewind. Check it out. And sometimes, they have special “ad songs” (this has only happened once to me) in which they say that a music company is trying out a new song, and they want you to either say it’s good or bad. The song that I got was actually pretty good. I’ve had some friends say that they got Katy Perry’s “Teenage Dream” before it was released. On another note, you can also look up soundtracks, comedy routines, and foreign bands.

Have fun!

Jenny asks…

Help how to download milledrive movies?

i need help in downloading movies from milledrive (without having premium account). i’ve tried alot of stuff (moyea flv downloader, orbit downloader grab++, flash catcher, sothink web vid downloader, etc.) but nothing worked.

whats the most effective video downloader out there?

thank you very much to those who will help.

admin answers:

You can download this movie from site! This site is legal in downloading movies and the quality of the downloaded movie is good!

Lizzie asks…

Is it now legal for someone in Antiqua to sell &/or distribute music and movies regardless of US copyright?

World Trade Organization allows Antigua to ignore US$21 million of US copyright per year.

Would it be legal for someone from Antiqua to set up an internet shop offering music, movies, games, etc?

admin answers:

Even if it were so, it would be illegal for an American to buy from them. The music industry also goes after people who download stolen music from foreign sites.

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