Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Linda asks…

is downloading a full movie legal if its not from a torrent site?

Can they track you if its not from a torrent site ?

admin answers:

Downloading any movie that is copyright without paying is illegal and you can pretty much be tracked no matter how you download it. The ISP you have internet with could tell if they look at your connection but a lot of them dont however a few are starting to look closer. A friend of mine got a noticed about something he downloaded saying it was a warning and to delete the files and next time it would go farther than just a warning.

Steven asks…

Is this site legal for downloading movies or not?

I really want to download American Pie.
I love it, Its so funny.
Is that site legal or not?
If not, Can someone give me a legal site with American Pie?


admin answers:

I think it’s funny that you asked if a certain site is LEGAL for DOWNLOADING site is legal to do that. If you want to watch it a LEGAL way, you will have to sign up for Netflix or run out to a local movie renting place. Or buy it..that’s an old movie so it would be cheap at WalMart.

It’s pretty funny.

David asks…

Does anyone know of a legal, safe site where you can download movies?

I used to use Rapidshare but I found my pc was becoming infected with viruses. I’m really looking for something that’s safe! Any suggestions will be appreciated.

admin answers:

Nothing is safe when you download copyrighted material. If you do this ensure you have a firewall. I won’t recommend illegal websites on yahoo answers. Try using google

Ken asks…

Is it Illegal to Download a videotaped Movie?

If someone else uses a video camera to videotape a copyrighted movie and puts it on a torrent site… Is it legal for me to download it? I would say it would be 30% different with the poor audio and blurry picture.

admin answers:

It is not legal to videotape movies in a theater. It is not legal to make the video available to others on torrent sites. It is not legal to download it.

All of these activities are different forms of copyright violation.

Laura asks…

How to get foreign movies such as French Movies?

With all these (legal) movies download sites like there has got to be other countries that do the same. After living in france for a year, I’m wanting to continue watching movies from there.. But they don’t sell them in the US.. Any suggestions? How can I download foreign movies?
yes.. Roger Vadim*lol* I would like to have those links for hard to find movies.. but you don’t allow emails.. so how can I ask you?
I’ll add that the movies I want or true foreign movies that have not come out in the US, there for they are not available from american movie companys such as Netflix or Blockbuster. Also I’m talking about true foreign movies, not american movies dubbed with another language. Thanks.

admin answers:

I have rented tons of good foreign movies especially french at my local Blockbuster. Granted that was in Canada but I would think you would have a foreign section. I think one girl had it right though about looking movies up on and then downloading specific titles.

PS. I love the move Reine Margot or Queen Margrite

And if you like Spanish try Belle Epoque or the movie Mad Love

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