Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Sandra asks…

Are direct download sites like legal? has some movies and tv shows that I would like to download, but I can’t see how it is legal. I don’t want to get into any trouble with my isp.

admin answers:

That’s the sort of pure piracy site the movie companies and recent legislation are fighting, though I have not heard of ISPs policing their customers, in the event of any lawsuit they would provide your records to the authorities.

I believe more individuals are sued by these exploiting lawyers suing people using Pier to Pier file sharing, one publicized case went after people who downloaded an embarrassingly obscene title they would not want publicized.

Jenny asks…

Are these sites legal or not?

I received a letter from cablevision saying there has been illegal activity on my computer. (oh boy)

Im not exactly sure but as far as I know there are no hackers.

Is frostwire (download music) legal? is it legal? is it legal?

admin answers:

File sharing is illigal

Sandy asks…

Are these sites legal or not?

I received a letter from cablevision saying there has been illegal activity on my computer. (oh boy)

Im not exactly sure but as far as I know there are no hackers.

Is frostwire (download music) legal? is it legal? is it legal?

admin answers:

Wow, computer police. Frostwire is the likely suspect.

Donna asks…

Can someone please help me find a good ,legal site where i can download movies?

anything but demonoid…..probably other torrent membership sites

admin answers:

You could try , or

But be aware that even though using those sites is legal, downloading movies is illegal.

William asks…

what are some good “legal” sites for downloading movies and dvds?

admin answers:

Well, none that are really for free. You can try a membership to or maybe look into Good luck! Most places charge a membership fee but that will protect you from illegal stuff.

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