Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mark asks…

How to get foreign movies such as French Movies?

With all these (legal) movies download sites like there has got to be other countries that do the same. After living in france for a year, I’m wanting to continue watching movies from there.. But they don’t sell them in the US.. Any suggestions? How can I download foreign movies?

admin answers:

Have you tried Netflix? They have lots of foreign movies. Just another reason it’s one of the greatest inventions ever.

Ruth asks…

Is it legal to post a movie trailer that you downloaded off a site on youtube?

A website offered a certain movie trailer for download and i downloaded it. Then i put it up on youtube so more people could see it becase it was kind of hard to find online. I put the link of the website on the info section for the video on youtube. I am just wondering if this is legal.

admin answers:

A movie trailer is also a copyrighted work unless otherwise stated. However, companies don’t generally go after people for disseminating it, so long as it is unaltered including any claims and disclaimers that they may have put in and so long as you credit the source.

Mandy asks…

movie downloads?

can someone recommend a good legal site to download movies for my own use that does not contain any spyware also need to know how to go about this procedure in detail
to briand K have register with hhboard,comand found movies how do I find the posts to download sorry……..

admin answers:

Go to sign up its free in the forum. Search for movies, find posts and begin to download.

Donald asks…

Where can I download the movie ‘The Namesake’?

I prefer legal sites and I don’t mind paying but I could not find it on Itunes or Amazon and I don’t know where else to try.

admin answers:

Try,its the best

Mary asks…

downloadable movie sites that are low price like monthy or yearly?

is there any site that are legal that are low cost and i dont want to hear the free ones becase every free sit ive used was bullshit and the downloads mess with my computer.but yaah thanks.

admin answers:

There is a download for this, but I have been using Graboid ( ) for almost two years. I haven’t had any problems with viruses, so I am pretty certain it is safe.

Hope that helps. Obviously Google them first to check for yourself.

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