Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Mandy asks…

Is downloading from Limewire legal? If not, are there any legit, free, legal sites to download music?

Does limewire still work/exist? Well, the title says it all, just looking for a legitimate, free and legal site to download music from. Thanks for any responses.

admin answers:

First, The Chica is completely wrong. In 2006 a massive lawsuit was filed against Limewire by a group of music and movie companies, asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages because Limewire facilitates illegal downloading. The case is still in court, but all indications are that Limewire will lose and be forced into bankruptcy. You can read some reports at and and

When it comes to downloading legally, it all comes down to copyright. If a file is under copyright, then it’s illegal to download for free unless the copyright holder is giving it away. If a band offers free downloads of their music, that’s legal. What’s illegal is someone else buying their CD, ripping and sharing it.

The music at and is not under copyright, so it’s legal to download for free. However, anything that offers free downloads of commercial music is illegal.

Jenny asks…

Is it legal to watch movies online without downloading them in any country or just in the United Stated?

It must be legal for many well known web sites that running well for a while.

admin answers:

Its illegal unless the website has permission from the owners of the movie to host it, or if they’re the ones that own the movie

Mark asks…

How do i get instant movies?

i want to watch a full length modern day movie. but i cant afford any netflix, so is there any free instant movie download thing besides netflix? it must be free! and instant! and legal!

admin answers:

There are a ton of websites where you can legally download all kinds of multimedia including movies. Their definition of free varies though. Sometimes free means they’re sponsored and you just have to tolerate some ads while other times it means your membership is free but the downloads are not or vice versa. Here are a few sites that look promising…


Sandra asks…

Where can I download good quality movies for my Ipod?

I want to have movies to watch on my Ipod.

admin answers:

Here is a list of LEGAL and HIGH QUALITY movie download sites!



Maria asks…

How Can I Put Movies Onto My Ipod For Free Without Using Itunes?

Is there any way I can get movies for free onto my ipod touch (such as through legit websites) without buying them off of itunes? I don’t have any money, and I want some movies on my ipod :/ Thanks to everybody who answers 🙂

admin answers:

Here are a few sites where you can download free movies; they are all free, all legal, and feature hundreds of high-quality movie clips and full-length movies.


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