Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Chris asks…

What are some LEGAL websites for watching movies that are in the theaters?

I really want to watch some movies, but i want to watch them on the computer and for free, but no downloads. Do you have n e sites?

admin answers:



I like this site!

Lizzie asks…

What website can you go to to download free songs into your ipod nano?

Please help me out here.I just bought my nano today but don’t have any music on it.What website can I go to for free downloads?

admin answers:

Think twice if you want to get from those free site, as it is illegal and most important thing is that lot of virus and spyware around and will spoil you iPod.

I am a member of the iPod download professional site, which only paid for one time membership of $35 and I get unlimited download of millions of song, video and movie.

You should check it out. Legal and virus free

Linda asks…

Is it illegal to sell books and ipods on ebay or any other auction site?

Like aren’t books and music protected under copyright laws? What about other things like your shoes or football cards. What if you sell them for more than you paid and make a profit is that still legal or does it totally depend on what the commodity is? I have a feeling not many people are educated on the law anyways

admin answers:

It depends on the country you’re in. In some countries it’s illegal to sell anything without a government permit. (In some countries, anything the any government employee decides is illegal, is illegal, even if the law says it’s legal.) In the US, as long as you pay income tax on any profit, selling things is legal (as long as you don’t commit fraud in the sale, etc.) Books, movies, music, football cards – as long as you don’t make illegal copies, it’s legal.

The law regarding selling is simple enough that common sense covers most of it. Copyright law is trivial, but most people don’t bother reading it (although the law, and explanations of what it means, are freely available on the web.) It basically says that making a copy (downloading is making a copy) of a copyrighted work is a violation of copyright. Nothing about “personal use”, “not selling”, “not making a profit” – all the nonsense you see posted here. *Having* the copy is the violation. (No one will prosecute for the temporary copy you get when you listen to or watch a stream. But torrents? People do get hit for downloading songs.)

John asks…

Why aren’t those websites that offer movie downloads shut down?

I mean it’s illegal to download movies online. Call it piracy. Why are they still allowed to operate?

admin answers:

The 2 main reasons…

1 – there are way too many to catch, the moment one shuts, another one will open

2 – “we aren’t breaking the law” is their excuse. They say they are a file sharing website and are not in charge of what people put up. For example, i could make my own film, and put it up on the sites and it will be legal. So the site isnt really in charge of what goes on, they can only try and stop it (but they dont bother) so thats how that get around it

Lisa asks…

What is a site where you can download tv shows for your ipod?

I want the series heroes for my ipod but don’t want to pay to get it…anyway I want tv shows for my ipod that I can download with absolutely no charge.

admin answers:

Ur best route will be get a converter of your own dvds. This is the only *legal way. There farely cheap at tho.. Thinking 99 cents a movie.. Which is good

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