Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ken asks…

How do you know if a music or movie download site/service is legal?

I’m talking about sites like these. I just love to download music because I can get a lot of exclusive music that you can’t get anywhere else.


admin answers:

One way is to use a search engine to find out. Type the domain name in & do a search. A lot of sites do charge for illegal material, so watch out.

Sharon asks…

are there any movie download sites that are legal? or are they all illegal?

admin answers:

Try It’s a great website just type in the movie name and then click a link called stagevu from there you can download the movie easy and fast.

Ruth asks…

what is a good legal movie tv music download site?

I want to find a site that is legal i can download movies tv shows and music if possible monthly subsription is fine

admin answers:

Movie berry and for the music mp3 fiesta

Mandy asks…

is this movie download site legal?

website says it is , and need to pay a small fee , so is it legal ?
for those skeptical about online legal movie downloads pls stayyyy away…

admin answers:

I think it can work,need money

Paul asks…

Legal movie downloading sites?

My mom is looking for a place online where you pay a subscription to download movies legit and isn’t piracy or what the terms may fall under that much thanks

admin answers:

Check out these movie download sites:

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