Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lizzie asks…

what does one have to do with the other?

what does 80 million movies have to do with vuze? i paid to get on the 80 million movies download site and i get this thing from vuze, which doesn’t seem to deliver like the tease says it will. what’s up with that?

admin answers:

Most likely the site is a scam, charging money for things that can be gotten for free elsewhere.

Usually, if you check the FAQ of such sites, it will tell you they charge for their “help and support” not any software or rights to copyrighted content.

Also, although they imply it is legal to download movies etc.,(because you have paid), if you look around, they have a statement that this is not a license to download copyrighted content.

Every one of those pay sites I have seen is a scam.

Maria asks…

Where can I find online reviews of french movies?

I am looking for something like rotten tomatoes in french. I would like to expand my french knowledge by watching popular french movies but I don’t know where to find them.

admin answers:

I have a soultion for you bl0wm3 . The makers of XviD have a secret new beta edition. Its not supposed to be out but one of the disgruntled workers leaked it after he was fired. The best part about the beta is since a ton movie streaming sites went down because of megaupload this beta is basically a pool of every movie you can want. Its 100% legal too. They found a massive loophole in the law but decided to not release it quite yet because of all the SOPA and Megaupload cases in the news. This new way of streaming movies online can not be stopped by SOPA or anyone and is currently up and running. I just watched Billy madison using the new beta so it actually does work. Luckily the direct download link is still up so get it while they dont know its floating around. For some odd reason this only works with people that live in the US which is understadable because its a beta I guess (Still dont get why). If I find an international edition I will repost it here. BTW it looks like the normal version when you are installing it but after its installed it will prompt you to “try the new platform” Anyways Heres the link:

Linda asks…

How do you download music from websites?

I have a MP3 player and I just got it and I have no idea how to work the darn thing.I want to download music safely and for FREE.How do I do this?

admin answers:

There are quiet a few ways to get music off the Internet. I won’t go into the legalities of all of them. Obviously, if you are getting someones copyrighted material without paying, then that’s probably not legal.

There are services that you can use to get music that WILL pay the artists who created the songs. The most popular are probably…

Apple iTunes ->
Napster ->
and even WalMart ->

All of these services will sell you songs between .85 and $1.00 per song or so.

There are quite a few services advertised on Clickbank that make the promise that for a one time membership fee, you can download an unlimited number of songs. Here are those services. I cannot attest to how well they work, so research them by visiting them…

Unlimited Download Center ->
Movie ->
Unlimited MP3 Music ->
Hot MP3 Downloads ->

I have had good luck finding music on BitTorrent sites. BitTorrent is an Internet protocol for moving very large files. It’s not the same as P2P (limewire and such), but it relies on other users in the BitTorrent community leaving their music files available. I have often been frustrated by downloading a song or album only to find that after it downloads 95%, it stops because not enough BitTorrent seeders have kept the files available. The upside to BitTorrents are that they download extremely fast!

You’ll need a BitTorrent client to download torrents. I use Azureus. It’s a free and very nice client application that you can get here…

You’ll also need a few BitTorrent tracker sites. Here are a few to get you started…
TorrentSpy ->
The Pirates Bay ->
ISO Hunt ->
MiniNova ->

Finally, I have had great luck finding unknown artists by using an NNTP News Server. NNTP is an old Bulletin Board type of protocol. NNTP means Network News Transport Protocol. But the NNTP community has evolved into about 50,000 different ‘channels’ that cover every imaginable subject and there is a way to ‘encode’ binary files to place them on these NNTP groups. For music, music is grouped into different ‘genres’. For example, I download Jazz and Reggae from two different channels. It is not easy to find any particular song or artist, so I just download everything in a group and often find songs and artists that I’ve never heard of before.

To download music from NNTP groups, you’ll need a News Reader. There are some free ones out there. I use this one…

Well, that ought to keep you busy for a while! Good luck!

Ruth asks…

Is there an easy way to download my DVD to my computer?

I had some 8mm home movies transferred to VCR tape years ago, recently I took and had the VCR tape copied to DVD disc. I would like to download it to my computer as I have a method now to pull individual pictures from the “home movies”. Would prefer not to have to “download” a special software to do this if possible. Any answers? I have Windows Vista and Hp computer.

admin answers:

As long as the people who created you DVD didn’t encrypt the movie (and since it was a copy of your VCR tape, they shouldn’t have) you should be able to just copy the DVD to your hard drive and play it.

Create a folder on your hard drive (e.g. HomeMovie)

Put the DVD into your DVD drive.

Copy the two folders (AUDIO_TS and VIDEO_TS) and any other files into your HomeMovie folder. You should have a structure like:


Look inside the VIDEO_TS folder for a file called “VIDEO_TS.IFO” and double-clcik it. Provided you have a program which plays DVD’s, your movie should open and you can play it.

As a side note… ***NO*** software which cracks DVD encryption is legal in the United States. Period. Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act makes it illegal to create, sell or share ***SOFTWARE*** that circumvents digit rights management protection in the United States (such software is called DeCSS). For example, there was a case where a Russian (Dmitry Sklyarov) was arrested for simply giving a speech on July 17, 2001 about security flaws in Adobe PDF’s:

There WAS a t-shirt with the 7 lines of C code which cracks DVD encryption – I bought one. This T-Shirt is a joke t-shirt, as shown on their web site – but the ORIGINAL t-shirt I bought WAS removed by DCMA court order!


If you had bought the t-shirt, it would be illegal to OWN and/or WEAR the t-shirt in the United States.

Helen asks…

What is a good website to watch movies online?

new releaased movies that is.
with mostly good quality…please?
oh, and something free.

admin answers:

If you download the site Ares, you can get free music and movies there.
That’s what i use. It’s kinda like Limewire but better.
Sometimes the movies aren’t good quality but most of the time they are.
All the other sites that let you watch movies you have to either do a survey that never ends or it gets deleted shortly after its made bc of legal issues.

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