Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Laura asks…

Is it legal to download music from the internet onto MP3 player when it’s free of charge?

I don’t have an MP3 player yet, and it seems like a great way to obtain music to download it from the web. But – when you’re not asked to pay for it, isn’t that piracy?

admin answers:

There are quiet a few ways to get music off the Internet. I won’t go into the legalities of all of them. Obviously, if you are getting someones copyrighted material without paying, then that’s probably not legal.

There are services that you can use to get music that WILL pay the artists who created the songs. The most popular are probably…

Apple iTunes ->
Napster ->
and even WalMart ->

All of these services will sell you songs between .85 and $1.00 per song or so.

There are quite a few services advertised on Clickbank that make the promise that for a one time membership fee, you can download an unlimited number of songs. Here are those services. I cannot attest to how well they work, so research them by visiting them…

Unlimited Download Center ->
Movie ->
Unlimited MP3 Music ->
Hot MP3 Downloads ->

I have had good luck finding music on BitTorrent sites. BitTorrent is an Internet protocol for moving very large files. It’s not the same as P2P (limewire and such), but it relies on other users in the BitTorrent community leaving their music files available. I have often been frustrated by downloading a song or album only to find that after it downloads 95%, it stops because not enough BitTorrent seeders have kept the files available. The upside to BitTorrents are that they download extremely fast!

You’ll need a BitTorrent client to download torrents. I use Azureus. It’s a free and very nice client application that you can get here…

You’ll also need a few BitTorrent tracker sites. Here are a few to get you started…
TorrentSpy ->
The Pirates Bay ->
ISO Hunt ->
MiniNova ->

Finally, I have had great luck finding unknown artists by using an NNTP News Server. NNTP is an old Bulletin Board type of protocol. NNTP means Network News Transport Protocol. But the NNTP community has evolved into about 50,000 different ‘channels’ that cover every imaginable subject and there is a way to ‘encode’ binary files to place them on these NNTP groups. For music, music is grouped into different ‘genres’. For example, I download Jazz and Reggae from two different channels. It is not easy to find any particular song or artist, so I just download everything in a group and often find songs and artists that I’ve never heard of before.

To download music from NNTP groups, you’ll need a News Reader. There are some free ones out there. I use this one…

Well, that ought to keep you busy for a while! Good luck!

Lisa asks…

Do you think some people purposely design websites aimed to frustrate people just for amusement?

When trying to download things, I always end up finding websites that claim they have the link for the download but the link ends up taking you somewhere else….you then you find your self just simply going in circles. This makes me wonder: Are there some people that design website specifically aimed to frustrate people for amusement?

admin answers:

I’m guessing you’re looking to download things for free (movies, music, ringtones, etc.). Cause I’ve been through the same damned thing.

I think it’s due to several reasons. First being that most “free” download sites are infested with ads, some with viruses/phishing scams, and only lure you with the promise of free stuff.

Two, most sites with free/technically illegal downloads may have at some time actually had the download you were searching for, but was discovered by someone who actually owns the legal rights to the item being downloaded, and the link was then deactivated/deleted.
The reason these deactivated sites/links still claim to have the download is probably because these underground sites are not well-maintained or updated.

Bootleg versions usually suck anyway.

Charles asks…

downloading songs and movies illegally from 4shared or mp3crank?

my best friend has an ipod touch. he frequently uses 4shared and mp3crank to download whole song albums and some movies. I have heard it is illegal and he could get caught. What are the chances of getting caught? He sais he’s downloaded like 8gb of songs and like 4gb of movies. He got a letter from charter a couple months ago to stop and he did for a while, but hes doing it again.

admin answers:

These are torrent sharing sites, and are indeed illegal under the copyright you agree to when you buy a cd you are not allowed to make copies or distribute them. You are also not allowed to download material you have not paid a fee for, otherwise how would an artist get paid and be able to keep on producing. So in short it is indeed illegal and there can be hefty and great or even humongous fines and penalties to this, there have been many cases stated in the press and a quick google of this turns up some horror stories. Perhaps a good way to think of it is that the solicitors in the usa ask for about 8000 per song you download in damages, so for 8gb thats the house and the car and earnings for the best part of 20 years gone right there. Stop now, if they have already had a letter then they are already on the list of offenders that are no doubt being monitored, it is easy once you are known for the authorities to track your activity. To make your provider give details of activity and from that they can tell what they have downloaded and when. As for the movies thats whole different game and allot more money.

If they have already had a notice and cease and desist then stop now… Stay legal stick to valid retailers and online stores that show clear copyright warnings and terms of service.

Ken asks…

Is there anyway I can get free movies off the internet and save them to my conputer?

i’m going on a road trip for 5 hours and i am gonna have my Laptop. The thing is i don’t have any DVDs and i wont have internet connection on the road. so is there anyway I can get free movies off the internet and save them to my Computer so that way i can watch them later on the road? please help!

admin answers:

Yes. has all the movies you need.

You should download utorrent and winrar if you don’t have them already before downloading a movie from that site. Just search for the movie you want in the search bar.

The site is like a huge library of programs, videos, and music that you can download for free. It is illegal though, in case you care… But the servers for this site are located in Sweden so you’ll never get caught and this site will never be taken down because this is legal in Sweden 🙂

Donna asks…

How is it that people get caught downloading?

I am not a big downloader so I was wondering with all this controversy with illegal downloading. How is it that people get caught? Does the government track things happening on the internet? I know some people that have gotten caught by their ISP and have either gotten a warning or their internet canceled. So I guess my question is.. Does your ISP have to turn you in, in order for you to get caught and fined? And how does your ISP know if what you’re downloading is illegal or legal?

admin answers:

Firstly it all starts with the type of sites your downloading from. Unsecure sites and hijacker links are rampant all over the net. Make sure you have good AV, Firewall, Antispyware, and also use PeerGuardian to help protect you from Government and MPAA, and the recording industry. Secondly if you use Mozilla there are good add-ons like “W.O.T” stands for Web Of Trust this helps you from going to sites that are known to be bad. Email me and I can tell you some good sites to get everything you need from I won’t post them in open water. Also your ISP normally won’t mess with you unless they get a request from an Organization informing them that you have downloaded illegal copyrighted material. Also P2P programs are being injected with trackers for a lot of different files. They attach to the package and when you download it say for instance a movie or torrent well in that file will be a tracker that reports your I.P. To the organization like the MPAA for instance. Try to use private trackers if your using Torrents. Hope this helps if you need more help email me.

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