Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lisa asks…

how do i get rid of copyright from downloaded movies?

i download movies off of lime wire and i can’t copy them to a dvd because there is a copyright on it.
what can i download for free off the internet to get rid of the copy right so i am able to burn a movie?

admin answers:

Heres a list of some of the legal movie sites.

Helen asks…

How do I burn a DVD on a disc or save it to my computer?

I know nothing about this stuff. I have a DVD burner, but what type of software do I need. I prefer to have something legally not downloaded from a free site. Do I need a external DVD burner to burn it to a DVD-R? Help please. I am not tech saavy so no tech stuff, just simple explanation.

admin answers:

1. Software (Legal, no free), I think you get 15 days to try it out then to use it you have to buy a license.


2. You don’t need an external dvd burner

3. It is very easy to use, they also got tutorials.

DVD to DVD – Full Disc
video tutorial:
DVD to DVD – Main Movie
video tutorial:
go to the bottom of the page there is a link to a youtube video.

They also got a forum:


Thomas asks…

Where can I download the Quest for Camelot soundtrack for free?

The 1998 movie. I can’t find a good one anywhere.

admin answers:

As this music is COPYRIGHTED, you need to use iTunes or similar LEGAL buy-a-download resources unless the copyright owners allow free download. Having no money is NEVER an excuse to STEAL COPYRIGHTED material anyway, so ALL sites that provide copyrighted material for FREE WITHOUT permission from the copyright owners are equally ILLEGAL.

Michael asks…

What is the legal movie site in Seventeen’s (magazine) December issue?

In Seventeen’s December issue they were talking about free things. What was the legal movie cite they were talking about?

admin answers:

I suggest take a look at you will find this site really interesting, its collected all trusted and selected movies, you can read comments before downloading a movie, best site evar

Charles asks…

How do I download torrents from limewire?

I use limewire to download movies… and I am just now discovering what torrents are used for. I’ve tried downloading the torrents but don’t know how to open them to play? What do I do? I have utorrent but have no idea how to actually use it. Please help.

P.S. I’m aware of the legal issues. Don’t remind me please.

admin answers:

A torrent is like a zip file. First you go to the site that has the torrent you want, then you download it. Once the torrent is on your computer, open it with Limewire by right clicking the torrent, selecting Open with…. And then selecting Limewire. After that it should start downloading everything in the torrent!

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