Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

David asks…

What’s the best site to download legal games for nintendo wii?

I’ve been spending so much money on games that I don’t even like a few days later. Where can I download games at cheaper price?

admin answers:

There are several legal wii download sites that offer lifetime unlimited access to thier libraries, offering games, movies, music and tv shows.
How ever there is a price but it feels like its free if you concider the amount of product you get for a one time payment of $50 or less. I jumped right on the band wagon and luckly I picked a good site to join. I’ve heard of some other sites that didn’t have fresh material, out dated links and no support at all.
Because the files are a product of Wii Play All Day there is no chance for files to be infected with adware or spyware. As might happen if you use p2p. The users information is safe, they are trusted online retailer.
You will find your in good hands if you join

Sharon asks…

Do you have to have a blank Blu Ray disc in order to burn a Blu Ray movie?

And can you burn a Blu Ray with a regular dvd burner or do you need a Blu Ray burner? Any helpful sites I could learn about burning Blu Ray discs?
By blank I mean a blank Blu Ray dvd or a blank regular dvd?

admin answers:

You can burn a BLU RAY to a regular DVD if you have a Blu ray player, a digital stabilizer ( Sima T-200) that eliminates the anticopy feature, and a DVD recorder…. Cuurently there is no LEGAL software out there that would allow you to copy from your computer and then copy to a disc. Most software that allows you to download the digital copies of movies to your computer or back up your DVDs to a harddrive, the anticopy mechnaism is also downloaded and even though you can see a clear picture your computer, if you try to copy it back to as blank DVD, your dvd burner will either produce a disk that is unwatchable or the copy process will be not be allowed to engage.

Lisa asks…

What are the general rules regarding downloading?

Could someone refresh my memory? I believe its okay, aslong the material only gets used privately.

Looking for:
-Name on Laws
-Fine, if caught sharing copyrighted movies online
-Wouldn’t showing freely available movies, other people uploaded be legal according to creative commons & international law?

admin answers:

You dont pay for a song or movie = illegal

If someone else posts a movie online its legal to watch if streamed over a site, but not to download and the person who uploaded is breaking the law.

Steven asks…

Is watching online movies that are still in theaters illegal?

I am wondering if watching movies online that are still in theaters is legal or not. I’m not talking about downloading them, just watching them online, free streaming. Please be honest.

admin answers:

Yes they are illegal. I’m an agent who reports illegal sites like that over to the authorities to get them shut down. I spend alot of time in sites like Yahoo Answers,where people talk sending links to each other,so i can get them all down and turn them over to my employers.

Ken asks…

Good software to make videos using a webcam camera?

I just got a new computer and it has a built in camera. What is some good quality, safe,free, and legal software I can download? And what are some webcam sites?

admin answers:

Movie Maker, I think all windows xp user have that software installed.

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