Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Maria asks…

is there any movie downloading sites that are legal and charge only an annual fee with large databases?

also with good quality movies and tv shows?

admin answers:

No. is a decent site to watch updated shows (like my favorites, Lost, Bones, etc.) and even a few older movies. It’s decent, but not great. It’s totally free–but you can’t download them.

Any downloading what so ever without paying for it is consider illegal, pretty much.

Netflix is the only other site that has an even better database, but again, I don’t think you can actually download the movies/tv shows. Plus, it’s pretty limited in what you can watch online. Most you have to order through DVD’s… And even then, you only get 2-3 disks at a time if it’s a really large tv show with multiple disks.

Lisa asks…

help! what are good legal music & movie MP3 download sites?

that are cheap or free?

admin answers:

Check out
You can download Over 100 million movies for free

Robert asks…

is there a FREE movie torrent download site that is legal?

I found one last night and i did not save the address and now i can’t find it. i have found a few but you have to pay a monthy fee. i know that there are sites out there that are free and legal but it is a matter of finding them. any help would be greatly apreceated.

admin answers:

I have never heard of a LEGAL torrent download site. Torrent is illegal anyway you look at it.
So, yes there are many sites, all free but all illegal at the same time.


Mandy asks…

Can you suggest a movie download site?

I want to download ‘He’s just not that into you’, the movie from a legal movie download site. As it’s not available in the UK yet, I guess I will have to get it from a US site.

Can anyone suggest a good one? I have googled a few but couldn’t work out if they were good and safe websites or not.

admin answers:

I use torrents go to then download…
I would stay away from limewire and frostwire lots of viruses

Susan asks…

Are sites like The Movie Download and Full Films and Cinemanow legal?

You know, the ones that charge a $40 flat fee and claim to let you download all the movies you want including ones in theaters.

admin answers:

If you can download a movie that is supposed to still be in the theater than the video is not legal… Most of those sites don’t pay attention to what videos are on their sites and claim no responsibility for legal action etc etc blah blah blah. In other words, the websites are “legal” but, what you buy from them may not be…

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