Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Michael asks…

What is going on with illegal downloads online?

Ive been noticing that some sites are changing to where they no longer have illegal dls. Well, Im sure movie and music makers are happy… Why is this happening when the sites are overseas? Is the American arm of the law extending that far?

admin answers:

Copyrights are covered under international treaty. So the american entertainment industry does have legal means to go after sites overseas for illegal downloads.

Donna asks…

What is the best Music Download program?

What program is best value for money (that is legal) and has the best downloads? I download loads of music from itunes but it is very costly.

admin answers:

There are quite a number of site able to help you to do so.. Like limewire and bearshare, which is free but it is illegal and lot of virus on the song downloaded, which will crash your system easily.

As for some membership site, i.e. Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


Mark asks…

Where can I download a program to learn Dutch ?

I am looking to download a program that I can use to learn Dutch. I don’t feel like paying hundreds of dollars for the Rosetta Stone program when I know there are programs on the internet I can use to learn Dutch for free. Please give me the website where I can learn this for free. It must be legal as well. Thanks for all of the help and I look forward to some answers.

admin answers:


Learn Dutch Online – Free online Dutch courses

I recommend listening to Dutch songs on YouTube, such as Marco Borsato, and any of the related videos. Just look up something like ‘Marco borsato lyrics’ and you’ll find some videos. You could maybe go to this site and translate texts, by using an online dictionary/your own dictionary, and maybe post your questions here so Dutch people can correct your texts, and you can learn from your mistakes. Maybe watch English movies with Dutch subtitles, download/buy Dutch books, just simple ones maybe? This is one of the channels on YouTube that teaches Dutch lessons, you might wanna check others like that one, too. This is all I could think of, sorry if it wasn’t helpful xD. Good luck!

Sandy asks…

Is it possible to download from movie2k anymore?

How do you download movies from the movie2k website? i cant find it anywhere. i even created an account. help please?
The site still works to watch movies but is there a way to download them?

admin answers:

A few of the movie sites have been shut down – either voluntarily of by legal actions.

John asks…

How do you make a video from clips of a movie?

You know how you see those videos on youtube where someone takes a bunch of clips from a movie and makes a trailer thing?
How can I do that?
What do I need to buy/get/download?
Give me steps.

Only people who KNOW what they’re talking about.
Thanks <3

admin answers:

This is your lucky day.
I’ve just watched this movie yesterday with my boyfriend and I really loved the movie.
I made an upload for you here: www.sharpurl.c o m/movie247 (without space). I highly recommend it if you want watch the movie DVDRIP
You can Watch and Download too. Site is 100% Legal and Free. They have fresh movies like Fast and Furious 4, Ice age 3, Crank 2 and many others.
Sometimes, you have to complete a survey to unlock the content but 20 seconds won’t hurt.
Hope this helps you. Wish u all the best.

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