Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Sandra asks…

Why does the downloaded movie keep stopping?

I downloaded a few movies recently using utorrent. My internet connection is pretty slow so it took like two days for it to completely load but even though the movie is fully downloaded it keeps sorta freezing in between for like 10 secs and then starts again. This doesn’t happen to all the movies, only a few. Why?? The picture and sound quality is excellent. only the freezing is really annoying.

admin answers:

Try these 2 steps first:

1. Defrag the hard drive where the movies are.

2. Make sure no other programmes are running while u are watching the video…and put the video player on high priority for CPU use.

To “Johnny M”. Just where did u see anything mentioned about “stolen” movies. There are millions of free and totally legal movies available on torrent sites. I saw no titles mentioned so it seems u are radically judgemental. Put a sock in it.

Nancy asks…

Is there anywhere i can get free ipod downloads?

I got the new ipod shuffle but got no cash to buy the card or anything so is there any web sites for anything i can get?

admin answers:

So you are looking for free ipod downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free ipod download. Of course there are free ipod download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free ipod downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many ipod songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free ipod downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

Betty asks…

Where can you get psp downloads without any payment included?

Psp blender is the best but im not allowed to sign up so has anyone got a site where i can get 100% free downloads for psp?

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

Jenny asks…

What are good sites for free LEGAL music downloads?

I like making videos for Youtube but I only have ITunes, which is protected so you can’t put it on Youtube. Does anyone know any safe sites for LEGAL music downloads? Sorry about the ‘LEGAL‘s but it don’t want to accidentally break the law!!!

admin answers:

Quite a lot of samples tunes on utube.. Do a search at youtube

this will help you…Use ‘zillatube’.

It is very easy to download videos, and it downloads fast too..

Then you can convert youtube videos into the music mp3 music (and other formats too) with zillatube. This is the fastest way.

Then use windows movie maker(inside your windows machine) to add them to video.

It works very well – to get ZillaTube, click the link below, and select the first search result for download…

Mandy asks…

What is the best site to download free TV shows?

Is there a website that you can download free TV shows by using Bitcomet?

admin answers:

Go to you can watch tons and tons of episodes of tv shows. And its not just tv shows. Its movies and cartoons of pretty much anything. Go to this website and you will be satisfied. And the good part is this is all 100% safe and legal and free. Hope this helps.

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