Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ruth asks…

How to Download Movies off the Internet?

Looking for a good (legal) way to download movies?

admin answers:

This site is great

They have movies, music, and games…

Mandy asks…

How can i put music videos on my iPod without paying?

I have iPod classic and i want to put videos and even movies on my iPod but i don;t want to pay so i want someone to explain it to me.

admin answers:

It’s to complicated.

A lot of sites offer illegal downloads of music/videos. You need to pick your own but your at risk of getting into legal trouble. Just Google free music/video downloads. Once you have the music save it to your files. Example, on Windows save it to Music and make your own folder. Minimize the folder and open up iTunes. Minimize iTunes as well.

If you want to upload a song, click on music. Videos, click on videos. Now drag that file you downloaded from where-ever to iTunes and wait for it to copy. Now click on your iPod name,
E.G “Nicks iPod”, and sync the Music and Videos. BOOM!


Sharon asks…

Can you be sued for uploading anime on kickasstorrents?

Hi everyone, I am a member of kickasstorrents. I continuously see anime being uploaded on there and was wondering if it is safe? Are there any legal anime shows that I could upload? I’d love to share legal anime on there, not illegal content.

admin answers:

It is technically illegal to upload any copyrighted content without the permission of the copyright holder. If you want to remain within the law, you’d need to check up on the copyright status of whatever it was you wanted to upload.

That said, the chances of getting caught are fairly low in most cases; occasionally organisations like the RIAA go after people who upload illegal content just to show they can do it, but maybe a few dozen people a year get done, if that. Getting sued for downloading alone is even rarer. The other way people can sometimes be caught is if they do something that stands out; for instance, when certain very popular movies are leaked, the first person to do it is sometimes pursued. But once it’s spread through the net and thousands of people are doing it, much harder to catch.

The thing with torrents is that they are just so widespread that it is impossible to effectively police them. At any one moment, thousands of torrents are moving across the internet; there are simply too many people to catch,

If you are concerned, however, the following site lists torrent sites which only contain content that is legal to upload/download.

Michael asks…

Where can I download the 3 movies of Ice Age?

1. Ice Age
2. Ice Age:The Meltdown
3. Ice Age:Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Please a sent me a link where i can download the free version of it.

admin answers:

Torrent is not legal site! You can try to download it from site!may b this site will help you in downloading all three movies!

Carol asks…

What are the true legalities behind torrents and youtube?

I answered a question on this but I’m not sure of the specifics. what are the legal questions behind torrents for movies and music and why is youtube able to host copyrighted material?

admin answers:

I’ll answer in two separate sections.

First – Torrents. A torrent file is only an administrative file that provides data to a tracking program/server that will allow your software to find the file that you are looking for. It has no data specific to the actual file you are downloading, only where the files are located. If you download a torrent, which directs you to a file that you suspect is copyrighted material – you are culpable of committing that crime. If you unknowingly download copyrighted material and maintain possession of that material after discovering the copyright, you are culpable of committing that crime. There is no shortage of case law on this subject.

Torrents are widely used in file sharing to allow users to download large amounts of data from multiple sources. This would alleviate stress on the original programmer or “owners” of that program to provide a site which would have to host a large amount of users.

Second – YouTube/OSPs/ISPs, are protected under Title II (OCILLA) of the DMCA (Digitial Millenium Copyright Act) In a nutshell, this basically provides a “safe-haven” for service providers if they act in accordance with OCILLA. They must delete content which is under copyright protection ONCE THEY ARE MADE AWARE of that material. The reason I capitalize that, is because that is the operative statement. They must make a good-faith effort to discourage copyrighted material and be receptive to complaints about the same. This obviously doesn’t pertain to material that is uploaded by individuals or entities who are authorized to do so.

I believe YouTube/Google have a case at the appellate level regarding this as we speak.

Hope it helps! Good luck!

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