Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

David asks…

How can I get Harry Potter clips for youtube videos?

Is there any way I can just save the movies to my computer? (Preferrably without downloading any more software.)

If not, what sites would you guys recomend I use to download clips from? [For obvious reasons I’m reluctant to just pick a random site.]

admin answers:

This is what I do to get free music/videos the legal way (without software).
you need to become a member, but it is so worth it.
After that just search for any vid/music file you would like and press download. Easy as that.

Susan asks…

Where can I get video content for my portable Creative Zen M video MP3 player?

Creative Zen is 30G and can hold a lot of video formats. Anyone recommend a website, such as DivX, where I can buy or better yet download free good short videos to load on my Zen? Someone recommended Stage6 but I can’t figure out how to download, only stream. Are there pay sites for portable media? Thanks.

admin answers:

The creative zen media player source 5 has a converter in it = In your media player creative or what ever highlight song* right click mouse* and select convert format*.

Or , free –

zen music formats – mp3, wma
zen video/mp4 formats = AVI, DivX™ 4 & 5, XviD3, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG4-SP, WMV9 and Motion-JPEG
Copy the video’s URL and past it in the box.
Http:// free you tube converter..
Http:// $13 free movies legal /free movies movies

Mandy asks…

Where can I watch a free full movie without surveys etc?

I want to watch Valentines day but i don’t want to watch it on youtube or download it somehow. And for free without the surveys where u fill out EVERYTHING! thank you!

admin answers:

Heres a list of some of the legal movie sites.

Maria asks…

Where can you watch full length movies for free?

Just wondering if there are any legal sites where you can watch full length movies for free.

admin answers:

I found this website to watch free movies online. You can watch it for free or download it.
They also fixed movies broken links quicker than other websites. This is the one:

Richard asks…

Is it legal to upload fandubs onto the internet under fair use?

I have done a couple of fandubs of DBZ that I want to upload to the internet. But, before I do, I want to see if I would be breaking the law by doing this. What are your opinions? Thanks in advance.

admin answers:

Fan DUBS? I’ve never even seen one of those, wow. I think I’d be too scared of the horror fans could produce. Uhm, anyway *shakes away the nightmare*

Here’s some info on fanSUBS:

And MPAA’s official position on downloading/uploading? “Let’s just say it’s a bad idea. Illegal downloading of movies is often done via peer-to-peer (P2P) services. Typically the way these services operate, when you download an illegal file , you also agree to make that file available (along with everything else on your computer’s “shared folder”) to other members of the P2P network. This means you’re not only in possession of stolen goods, but you’re also a distributor. In the eyes of the law, this is a much more serious offense involving civil and criminal penalties. Bottom line: It’s not worth it. Here’s a list of sites that offer movies and TV shows easily and legally online. ” But the thing about that is it’s talking specifically about copyrighted or trademarked or whatever.

I’m not a lawyer, but I would THINK altering someone else’s work (in this case, a studio’s) would be illegal. But there aren’t specifically any laws forbidding fandubbing/subbing that I’m aware of unless the anime is licensed in the US. Please, if anyone knows differently please help out!

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