Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Linda asks…

Is it a copyright infringement to use movie posters on my website about movies?

So I’m doing a website for a school project where I review movies(kinda like imdb) so I need the movie poster and a trailer from youtube to review the movies. So I wanted to know if I download a movie poster from google images and post it in my website. So I wanted to know if I’m doing anything illegal or not. And if you know that there’s a legal way to use these posters please tell me. And my website is non-profit.

admin answers:

Youtube videos should be fine, because all it is is a link to the video on Youtube, your website is not hosting the material, just the link.

As for movie posters, technically yes. If you dont have permission from the studio, they can ask you to take it down. However, most studios really dont care. Too many websites use the movie posters for them to keep track of them all. Plus its free marketing on their end.

You should be fine. Just give credit and site all the material you use

William asks…

Is watching TV and Movies online illegal?

I want to know if watching movies or tv under copyright online is punishable by law. I know for one downloading movies directly to your hard drive is a offense, so is uploading them for people to download. But what about the video streaming sites that allow you to watch them? I’m not talking about the legal sites like Netflix etc.
As your not paying for the film are you breaking the law? Has anyone ever been caught for copyright infringement because they watched a movie that’s still showing in cinemas online?


admin answers:

Streaming or downloading is exactly the same, legally. Streaming from an unauthorized site is just as illegal as downloading from such a site. IF the site is legal (as netflix, for example), then it’s not an issue. But you can assume that if there is no cost to stream, it is NOT legal.

James asks…

Is it illegal to download movies on the psp?

Is it iliegal to download movies on the psp?

admin answers:

If you get movie and stuff that was sold to see at one point, but are not paying for it now, yes.

If you go to a legal site to download movies, which you would have to pay for an account, then probably not.

Mark asks…

opinions on english essay based on Up on Dowloading by Elise McArdle?

People aren’t going to pay for things that they can get for free regardless of legal measures. People for decades now have been downloading music for free; it has become a habit and a way to get their music. If people must pay for music, people would still use live streaming from sites like Pandora and the music industry would still be in a financial situation. None of the professors could come up with a plan they all agreed on, that’s the challenge they, including the music industry, want to overcome. A lot of people involved with the music and film industry are desperate for answers to resolve this issue. The professors discussing difference solutions have drawn a lot of attention. The Recording Industry Association of America is driving for answers.Fisher’s suggestions to help fix the illegal downloading crisis by replacing the copy right system with a government administered compensation plan, funded by a tax on the hardware and systems.The government does not need any more control. If a world crisis occurs, the money sitting there to pay the music industry would not be paid to those artists but to fund the world crisis. If the government starts raising taxes on those items people will just find a shortcut to cut their expenses and could potentially start downloading movies, games, etc., illegally. That would cause a financial issue in many other industries. In the end, with higher taxes on those items to download music, the person would still be paying for their music, which could possibly be effective if they find a way to demolish every shortcut others could find which is simply impossible in the world of internet. For every site taken down by the government and another site with another address will appear. Fisher’s consequential suggestion is Total Control. Unfortunately, people in this world do not like law and following rules. Then, those who still avoid those higher tax rates on downloading software by using old software, they Total Control approach comes into place. Total Control is a program that will send a virus to a person’s computer, to wipe their hard drive, if they download music by avoiding the high tax. With the Total Control approach, which all professors dislike but Microsoft and the music industry like, would be somewhat more effective, however sending virus to wipes someone’s computer is a crime in itself and defeats the purpose of knocking out a current crime of illegal downloading. Another issue people may have with the Total Control is if someone uses another’s computer to illegally download music without the owner’s consent, wiping the hard drive would be unfair punishment to the owner. However, to the music industry they may believe that the owner is responsible for their guest and the actions they make. They are many sites to avoid being tracked especially by the government. There are very computer savvy people out there who know block whichever virus may come their way. Zittrain somewhat agrees with Fisher’s suggestions to tax on downloading equipment however doesn’t agree with the total control as punishment for those who don’t follow those rules. Nessan comments on the fact that government involved is not a good idea and even Zittrain understands that most people will not like the government involved, but justifies it by saying the government will not choose who gets paid, it will be strictly numbers.. “That’s a legitimate worry,” concedes Fisher.”You’re placing a fair amount of discretionary power in a government agency.” “However, the agency would not choose which artists are paid, he insists, because compensation would be based simply on numbers–which works are downloaded the most often.” (McArdle, 2004) People these days do not trust the government, including people in the industry. To have people get on board with a government agency handling their money in any way will be a hard task to accomplish.Nesson’s idea is to make the music cheaper, but for a lesser quality. If you want the good stuff, you pay more. He wants to make illegal downloading less attractive. Even though neither suggestion is concrete they are working on an idea that will demolish free downloading. What Nesson doesn’t understand is that you only need one person to buy that song or songs and they can create a site to share music. For every person trying to prevent piracy there are 10 people who can avoid their suggestion. The music industry needs to advertise those who actually still buy music legally opposed to trying to stop those who aren’t. Downloading is a new thing opposed to going out to a store to buy a CD, people are lazy these days. They can get their music from the comfort of their home. What the artist are not aware of is that people usually listen to their music and then go to their concerts, buy their clothing, etc. They are many ways to avoid all of the professor’s suggestion.

admin answers:

You need to have paragraphs for your essay. You need to organize this better.

Steven asks…

What’s a good video editing program I could get/download for free online?

I have a PC computer with Windows XP. The only current video editing program is windows movie maker which is pretty good with transitions and some effects but not amazing. I want to also be able to use green/blue screen and voice modifiers and still be able to use the program without it being all complex and confusing. I know Sony Vegas has this but is there any other video editing program i could download for free online others than Vegas and Movie Maker?

admin answers:

The above site offers real commercial software. It is fully licensed, completely operational, totally free and completely legal. The only catch is you must download and register it on the day it is offered. Honest, this is the real deal, no snags. In addition to the software; users comments are posted. Many of the comments, especially those not favoring the daily offering, will offer a freeware alternative along with a site to download it from. If you check the archives you may find something that looks good. By reviewing the comments you may find a freeware alternative for exactly what you are searching for.

While the site offers different types of software my experience has been that it leans heavily toward audio and video processing software. Go to the site once a day and see what is being offered. I would bet money you will find something precisely to your liking in less than two weeks.

It sounds too good to be true. I thought so too but I am now a daily visitor. If you need navigational help, contact my profile.

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