Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Maria asks…

Is there any legal movie download site on line?

admin answers:

Not free.

Linda asks…

What sites provide legal movie and TV show download in the UK?

admin answers:

Hope u meant u want to download free movie and tv shows from internet.
Nowadays the new technology is called torrent.Couple of good sites out there which provide excellent dvd quality (which is compressed to divx format), movies, games(pc/psp), ebooks, tv shows.First you need to get a torrent software, such as bitcomet to download torrent file from particular site, I recommed you can go This is very good torrent site to download wat u wanted. The most important thing is speed, unlike othe torrent sites , downloading files are slower, this site is awesome, but you have to make sure you share what you download, i mean you have to upload as well. Check the site and register there.
And if you talk about legal movies or tv shows, then try itunes. But you have to pay

Lizzie asks… – movie download site – is it legal?
this site offer membership at about $5/month. a member can download lots of movie.
my concern is: is it LEGAL?
if it is illegal, why dont the authorities shut it down?

admin answers:

Not sure, I wouldn’t use it.

I get all my movies from

Betty asks…

Where can I find legal movie down load sites?

I’m american and living in Spain. The majorty of my favs aren’t available here, where could I find a international, reliable, and LEGAL download site. I don’t want to pirate anything so its very important that they are legal.

admin answers:

You can try its legal. It leads you to other sites that aren’t legal if you download them however. If you just watch them and don’t download you’ll be good though!

Sandy asks…

Legal sites where I can rent/buy a download of a movie?

I need to watch a movie made in 1988 and I’m finding it very difficult to locate in my city. So I’m looking now for a place to “rent” over my PC or buy/download (as a last resort) it for a small fee. All I’ve found is Blockbuster, but I have to buy it, I can’t “rent” it, is there any other sites that do something like this? The movie is The Accused.

admin answers:

U can try itunes store for instance as it is the best renting movies in the world..
So good luck

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