Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Carol asks…

What is a good site to download music from?

I have a psp that i would like to down load music to what site is the best site to use even if there is a monthly fee that is fine I just want a site that has a good selection maybe even a site that offers movies. We do use lime wire but for some reason it does not let me download songs on to the psp.

admin answers:

Limewire is illegal.
Dont use it.
You could go here:

it says you get free downnloads on your psp.



^^just go to the actual website, its safer, you wont be worrying if its legal or not.

But you could go to where you bought it and ask where it would be good for internet downloads.

I asked that, but it was for me ipod.

Sharon asks…

What jobs can a 13 year old boy get?

Hello. I want to participate in the Play! Pokemon spring regional championships. But I live in San Antonio, and the nearest place where the event is held is about a 1000 miles away, and my dad is too much of an ass to drive us. So, to get plane tickets to Salt Lake City, I need to make money. Im gonna be honest. I cant push more than 10 lbs. Id like to find a legal job that does not require me to lift,push, or pull something and preferably something that requires brain power since Im amazing at that. Any suggestions?

admin answers:

Here is my freebie business idea for you. If you want to do something at home involving computers just tell your friends and relatives that you are doing a PC and laptop virus cleaning service for $25-$35 and they must bring the computer to you. Go to the McAfee web site and download the Stinger.exe free tool and get a small thumb drive that you can copy that program to. When they bring the computer over you download the newest version of Stinger to the thumb drive and stick it in their computer and start the scan running. It may take a few minutes or a few hours depending on the computer’s disk size and utilization. It requires no interaction so you just start it running and go do other things while it runs. After it is done it will list any stuff it found and you can report that to the user. Charge them an extra $5-$10 if they want to have an anti-virus program installed and you go out to Microsoft and install Microsoft Security Essentials (a free program). If they want an anti-malware program, charge them a few more dollars and download and install the free version of MalwareBytes for them. This cleanup is not technically hard and you can try it on your own computer to get the hang of it. Don’t plan to fix the computer at their location as the Stinger scan can take 2-3 hours.
Also, you need to coordinate this business venture with your parents so you don’t get yourself into any difficult situations where people won’t pay you or where you have to deal with creepy people. Putting ads or flyers out can be good and bad news as it may get you business but it may get you the risk of dealing with strangers. Honestly once the word gets out that you are doing the service you may have family and friends enough to keep you busy.
Another thing to keep in mind is that sooner or later your customers will click on some link or go to some bad web site and pick up another virus that may bypass the free protection you installed. If you have done a good job they will be back for more help – and make you another $25 to fix it all over again. This is called repeat business!

Also, you can contact all the pawn shops or thrift stores in your area and tell them you can do these same virus cleanup services for them. A common issue they have is getting in any computers that the password has been lost on and you tell them that you can break into those for them. Sometimes people will pawn a computer and then not get it out in time. When the pawn shop gets ready to sell it they discover the computer is password protected and they don’t have the password. To perform the break-in you will download the free Trinity Rescue Kit and create a CD that will let you boot the computer and change the password without you needing to know the old password. The pawn shop may pay you in cash or store credit. You can work out a trade deal with them for music CDs, DVD movies, electronics or other items they may have for sale.
These could be some baby steps for you to start into a career in computers!

Sandra asks…

Why does yahoo get offended when someone posts helpful information?

instead of just a simple question. I bout saved 8 people’s lives on something I posted about how Scientology is bad and the idiots who run this site, who obviously dont know how bad it really is, deletes my question and says somethin about suspending my account. Ignorant right?

admin answers:

It isn’t Yahoo. This may be of some help it is long but covers most everything.

Questions without answers are removed by Yahoo after 4 days 8 if you extended it or no best answer” won the vote. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice and sometimes you don’t : All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it. If you are very sure you have been wronged appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring to others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it. Check the links below for more info.

Here are the guidelines and terms of service.

Here are some links regarding common violations and the appeal link, they may help in the future.


Question and Answer format

You might take the test to determine if something is reportable.


To Appeal:

Just follow the prompts.


Donald asks…

Good site to download drum loops for free?

I want to make a blues song but I don’t play drums. Does anyone know of any good, legal sites to download drum loops for free? Thanks a lot.

admin answers:

This is the site you can download free any anything you need

Music, software, movie, and more

Donna asks…

someone i know is downloading movies before they are realeased in theaters. How is that possible?

I’ve heard of people taking a camcorder in the theater, but these are good quality. And is that legal?

admin answers:

It depends upon where you’re located. If you’re in the UK like me, then you should be aware that the USA and other parts of the world get movies before we do. If it is a USA release, then often it’s reached DVD there by the time (or shortly thereafter) it appears in cinemas in the UK. Bit torrent clients allow people to share DVDs with other individuals across the Internet. Peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) isn’t illegal however, sharing copyrighted material is. So, it’s a fuzzy line. But, in the end, if he’s (she’s) dowloading them, then it’s probably through torrents.

I predict that P2P file sharing will be regulated to death or eliminated all together in the next couple of years. The federation against copyright theft (FACT) logs IPs attaching to some of the torrent sites by court order from an American court. These people have their downloads recorded along with their addresses; therefore, copyright enforcement authorities know who downloads what. It’s a matter of time before you get into trouble, unless you mask your IP address–but we won’t go into that here. 😛

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