Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

John asks…

where can i watch wwe bragging rights online for free?

every site i checked is down or requires u to sign up, or take a survey. i want a working site.

thankyou very much for all of your help!

admin answers:

Maybe you can try something called “satellite TV to PC software” which is becoming popular for good reasons. It works by receiving satellite TV signals over the Internet and converting them into a live, high resolution video feed on your desktop.When I first heard of this I wondered if it was even legal. It turns out it is completely legal,because these are FTA (free to air) satellite stations which are being broadcast from all over the world. The software just allows you to watch everything at any time anywhere without a satellite dish or receiver.Once you download the software you can instantly watch 3,000+ channels of movies, local and international news, live sports, TV shows, special events, music channels, kids channels, history, education, nature, special programming… It’s much more variety than what I was getting from my local cable company. And it’s all free. There’s a small one-time fee for the software and that’s it. There are no subscription fees or monthly charges… Nothing else to pay for…Ever.Here are the detailed reviews and comparisons of the Top 6 Internet Television Products on the market:

Enjoy yourself.You will not be disappointed.

Paul asks…

Is there a good chance of being caught using Frostwire illegally?

I was told that FROST WIRE not LIME WIRE is LEGAL….then I read all the ways i can get caught! EX: downloading a LOT of songs…(ive only downloaded 5 so far) do u thik i will et caught? im kinda freaked out cuz i had NO idea!

admin answers:

Any of the sites or programs that allow free downloads of copyrighted materials (music and movies) are illegal. You can get caught and be fined or jailed.


Nancy asks…

What are your thoughts about Music Piracy?

Copying music can land you in court and with heavy fines. I’m all for respecting the work and talent of artists but what is the real deal with copying music? I mean the VCR was produced with the intent of copying television programming, audio cassettes were used similarly. So what is the real issue of copying music and where is the line between legal and illegal?

admin answers:

Music is a service, meant to entertain. Regardless of the media it is on it is never really considered “yours” in the eyes of the music industry. Making a copy of a CD you have purchased for the purpose of preserving the original CD is completely legal.

If, however, you were to mass produce copies to sell, or even to give away you have broken the stipulations of a contract on the back of the CD case (also on most CD’s themselves). Says that copying for the purposes of blah blah, don’t have one of them in front of me so can’t tell you exactly what it says.

Strangely enough sites such as MinMX and whatnot are not technically illegal; they are a file sharing host site. They don’t provide the media, only the means to transfer it, so it isn’t really illegal. Since they are a main entity though the music industry has gone after them first as they are the largest and most accessible target.

In reality it is the people utilizing the site in order to upload/download music that are breaking the law, or at least as I understand it.

The argument has been made that “back in the day” kids would stick their cassette recorder up to the radio in order to record their favorite songs and no one ever said anything about that. Thing is that while that seems pretty innocent under the law it is still technically considered illegal, though was never a issue to the point of what the internet has provided.

Also of interest is the argument that the music industry simply charge too much for CD’s so it’s ok to get a freebie from time to time via download failing to realize the loss of revenue from illegally downloading on such a massive scale is what has help to contribute to the increase in price to begin with.

All in all, imo, I consider it stealing, same as pirating a movie or say stealing a piece of art. It’s their songs; they just put them on CD and such to share with you for a fee.

Donna asks…

How to get home videos onto the computer?

They are currently on VHS. So I assume I have to get them transferred to DVD’s. After that though, how do I get them uploaded to my computer?


admin answers:

It takes a LOT of time to transfer movies and the the quality sufferes. The best way to get older movies onto yoiur computer is to go to a legal download site and download them. It is fast and a lot of places upload in HD

Go here to explore a whole bunch of download sites or simply

Mandy asks…

Is there any legal websites that you can download music that are compatible with iPods?

^^ Like, instead of using iTunes, can buy free songs and they go into your iPod. There probably isnt, but I just wanna know.

admin answers:

As a personal suggestion, I will recommend you iPod download site, as a member of this site, you can download unlimited music, video, movie and game with no extra cost. The life-time membership only cost you $35. Once you are the member, you are in the exclusive member area and all music download is free

read more review on

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