Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Carol asks…

what is the best/safest site to download songs for free?

I have an ipod. So a place to download for free for my ipod to get onto itunes.
That is the safest to download with.

admin answers:

A good thing to download on your computer for downloading any video is the Youtube Downloader. You can download basically any video off of Youtube, and a lot of other websites. It’s really easy to use and it isn’t one of those things where its a whole complicated sign up-pay a month thing.. Its completely free and legal. You just google search download youtube downloader and then get it, then find the video on Youtube, or vevo or anywhere and copy and paste the web address from the address bar… Then download it.. Then you have to go to ‘Convert a video already downloaded’ and you can convert it to an iPod Movie (.mov) or an MP3 or many others…

Hope this Helped !

Nancy asks…

is it illegal to watch new movies online for free?

i actually watch on this one site but my parents told me not to anymore because it’s illegal and the cops would come to our house or they’ll cut our internet connection. THAT IS LIKE NOT RIGHT. i am anti-socialite and i don’t like going out because i hate the sun. so if you know any sites that can let you watch recent movies free and not illegal without download and NO VIRUS. please put the link below.

admin answers:

If you’re downloading them yes. Simply watching them from a site alone no. As the site should have been targeted and shut down before things like this happened. Downloading content is illegal if you don’t own the rights to it.

PS- many people today download various products such as music, videogames, movies, tv shows, etc.. This is all illegal. But since their is so many people they cannot simply target them all thus they usually shut down the website or the websites buy the product and sell to the public making it legal. Other then that yes it is illegal.

I also don’t recommend doing this as many sites give viruses easily.

Mary asks…

Is watching movies on The Pirate Bay legal?

I don’t want to download any movies I was just wondering whether it is legal to watch them on the website in the UK.
Thanks for the answers, I would rather just buy the films I want to watch. I was only asking as quite a few people have recommended it to me.

admin answers:

Its not completely illegal
its a sharing site, it’s ment to be around for people to share things and demo/try the films (or music/games) but then themselves go out and buy the movie/cd/game if they enjoy it
but pretty much nearly everyone doesnt, thats why it is still around, they even starting selling piratebay merch on it.

P.s you don’t watch it online, you download them.

Susan asks…

How do i create my own runescape server?

dose anyone know how to creat your own runescape server?

i was looking into make my own runescape movie but i need to learn how to make my own server so poeple cant come in and be like “selling rune sword 30k!!!”

i didnt mean create i ment how can you go into a rpivate server i no poeple do and i know its alloud if you dont no how to go into a private server dont lecture me

admin answers:

U guys are retarted it is legal and here is how it works:: first go to

then look around the site and download the client

then search for a good server ip

type it in, then your set.. Its pretty simple

Betty asks…

What is the difference between a zune pass and zune reactor?

I just bought a zune and you think they will give you some kinda instruction as to what to download for your zune!!!! Im looking for something i could purchase that will let me have music, movies, music videos all on my zune so please can you tell me what is the difference between the zune pass and zune reactor?

Or what is the best download for the zune so i can have all the features?


admin answers:

I have a Zune, and really like it.

You go to the Zune marketplace to get the music for your player (leastwise music that you don’t already own). It is competitive with other sites.

I like the monthly subscription service (zune Pass) that Zune offers (and iTunes doesn’t) – it allows me to rent/sample music. Some people like to rent their music, and some don’t. I am in the former category.

Microsoft still doesn’t have the same video deals that iTunes so you won’t find videos available at the Zune marketplace. There are some download sites advertising Zune compatibility. But I haven’t tried them. Zune Reactor is one of them.

There is software that allows you to makes copies of personally owned DVDs that fit the Zune format – this is legal if you use it for personal use only.

Hope this helps.

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