Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Daniel asks…

Where can I find a program to put movies on my I-touch?

I don’t want to use limewire, I did at my friends and you never know if it’s bootleg or not. Is there some other site I could use?

admin answers:

How about itunes, the safe legal way to do it, hmph!!!!! I dont get it, when you are taking media from sites like limewire, you are stealing!!!!! Stealing the media and potential profit for the company and/or artist. How would you like it if you wrote and sang a song that was a big hit and a money maker, and everyone didnt buy it they just downloaded it off lime wire. I highly think you wouldnt.

Susan asks…

How do you find out if a website contains illegal things?

I find many website with free movies, music, news, etc. and I want to know which one is legal or illegal.

admin answers:

Its answer is rather dificult. As long as i understand u are not talking about copyright problems but viruses. Illegal things normally include spywares, adwares or some sort of controllers (exe files). U come accross them when u download something from an “unsafe” site or when u browse a site with some popups asking u to either press the “ok” or “yes” button to jump in luky draw or win prize. They’ll never ask for permission. Its better to have some good antivirus software (Norton, McAfee etc), anti spywares (spyboot etc) or adwares (AdwareSE etc) installed on ur PC. They’ll better look after them.

Mandy asks…

Where can I download the movie Time Kid?

Aside from using iTunes, does anyone know a link for the 2003 animation movie Time Kid made by nicklodeon?

admin answers:

Check out these legal sites.

Michael asks…

Where can I download free PSP movies and Games?

I dont want to download anything or have to subscribe. I just want a website where I can download Games and Movies.

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

George asks…

How exactly does Limewire work? What are pros/cons to using it?

I’ve heard a lot about limewire.
How does it work?
What are pros/cons to using it?

I’m not planning on using limewire; I’d just like to know what it is exactly. Please and thank you!

admin answers:

First off… Nice kitty cat picture. Its cute.

Now to the brass tacks. Limewire, What is it, how does it work, and what are it’s pro’s and con’s? All good questions.

Lime wire is a P2P site That offers free music movies, and software. P2P simply means Person to person.

* How does it work?* Unlike torrents, or Bittorrents, where you get the files from a bunch of people all at once, with a P2P server, you tend to connect to less people at one time.

*What are the pro’s and con’s?* The pro’s of Limewire is FREE LEGAL STUFF IF YOU KNOW HOW TO USE IT RIGHT! The trick is knowing how to use it right. Basicly if you own a copy of whatever you are downloading then it is ok to download. For example If I wanted to download a copy of Akon’s newest album from my Limewire and I already owned it, but it was all scratched up because I was in a car accident on the way home from the store. That would be ok! But if I was going to download Akon’s latest album and DIDN’T own it, I could get in trouble.

Another problem is one of lables… People will often lable something as one thing, and it will in fact be something else. So, You download A copy of Your favorate movie, and end up getting a porn (suck!!).

One more problem is that of virus. Some people think it’s funny to upload Virus or Cookies to files. So if it is an .exe file which is a self extracting file you more then likely don’t want to download it because most of those are dangerous.

If you are going to use Limewire, or Torrents, I suggest two things. A program called deepfreeze. If you google deepfreeze. You can find it for free. Or you can get it for free on It will back up your hard drive so if you do get a virus you can restore it without a problem.

Second would be an external hard drive to back up any important files.

Hope that helped.

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