Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Linda asks…

Where can I download anime for my iPod?

I dont want limewire because it is full of viruses so plz give me a different site.

admin answers:

Be careful when you try to download ipod movie from the free site.. As it is illegal and come with lot of virus and spyware which will crash your ipod.

I joined the member for ipod download site and it is legal and I get access to download ipod movie, music and video for the site. There is no extra fee except one time membership fee of $30+.

James asks…

Does Time Warner take any action if a user of their internet uses torrents?

I called them and they said if their servers detected any copyrighted material (illegally downloaded for free) they cancel their service to that user.
Is this true?
Can Time Warner even know if I have such files? How would their servers distinguish between a legal and an illegitimate download?


admin answers:

It happens now & again , but with the amount of people who download movies from torrent files, the chances of being traced are small.
Plus it costs them more to track people than it is worth, and a lot of people download from overseas where the laws on copyright are different, (eg the pirate bay, stagging time warner etc, the laws in Sweden where (or used to allow piracy, therefore they could do nothing! Lol.
Also keep in mind that one of the most populated sites on the web is a torrent site, so browse with caution, but don;t go mad haha!)

Mary asks…

How come your allowed to download music vidoes off Youtube but sites like limewire/torrent sites are illegal?

Or If your not allowed then why do they sort of encourage it?

admin answers:

You’re not explicitly allowed to download off youtube, but if it’s been put into the public domain officially, such as a movie trailer, or a new music video, you’ll find the publishers might use youtube to promote it.

Obviously, if the publishers put it up to see, viewing it is legal, and downloading shouldn’t be a problem, infact you’ll find HD trailers from the apple website.

If these same files are on torrent sites, it shouldn’t be an issue, as it’s just distributing something already released to the public for no fee.

However, if the file is infact a DVD image, or a full computer game, i.e. Something that you’d otherwise have to pay for in a shop, and you’re downloading it, then it’s copyright theft. Which, while using the misnomer of ‘theft’, is not good behaviour.

The site itself is not illegal. Take for example. You can read about their legal case on their homepage. They’re current fighting a lawsuit. All the site does is index files that are being exchanged and allow you to find things you want. The torrent system is actually not a bad idea, and allows distributors of free content, i.e. Independent filmmakers have willingly distributed their films, for free, over bittorrent networks.

It’s only when you download something like say,,,, The Matrix, that wasn’t willingly given permission to be distributed by the owners of it(not someone with the DVD, the copyright owners, e.g. Warner Studios), that it is against the law.

Mark asks…

If I buy an Ipod where can I get free music without worrying bout someone getting into my computer or spyware?

How safe is limewire with music downloads for ipod… cuz I do not want to spend 99 cents per download, can anyone give me some suggestions?

admin answers:

Lime wire is perhaps the biggest virus distro site in the world. Free music isn’t free. You pay either with cash, with an advertisement ( like sony, coke, pepsi, etc) or with RISK. And the music on limewire does NOT contain the license to USE the music, just ask the girl three weeks ago twhose parents had to pay 3000 plus 10,000 in legal fees. Despit what you hear, limewire is not illegal, but downloading music, movies, programs from it IS

Sandra asks…

How can i watch Vampire Diaries online for free?

How can i watch the vampire diaries online without downloading or surveys?

admin answers:

Check out these legal movie sites.

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