Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

William asks…

Legal movie download sites?

I am interested in a site where I can download movies including new releases legally for a decent fee. I have only seen and it looks alright but won’t let me preview or demo the quality of the films. Does anybody know if this website is good or perhaps there is a better one?

Thank you.

admin answers:

I use tvserieshub dot com
just google, tv series hub

Lisa asks…

I came across a legal movie download site, is it legit? why I can’t refill my balance?

Is the site legit? why am I not able to refill my balance? I click refill balance and the site just reload to its home page.

admin answers:

No, it is NOT legit.

Donald asks…

which site is legal for movie, song download?

please tell me legal site for downloading movies,songs.

admin answers:


Jenny asks…

What is a good site to download a legal copy of movie of Star Trek XI?

What is a good site to download a legal copy of movie of Star Trek XI?
I like to be legal this time. What is a good site that is legal to purchase and download a legal copy of Star Trek 9? XI

I like to be able to get this copy and be able to burn it to a DVD for personal use?

admin answers:

ITunes is probably your best bet. I don’t know if it’ll let you burn it to a DVD. That’s probably not going to happen. If you want it on a DVD, then just buy the DVD.

Thomas asks…

where can i watch or download ‘THE HALFWAY HOUSE’ 1944 ealing studios movie?…?

1944 ealing studios film ‘THE HALFWAY HOUSE’ staring MERVYN JOHNS. ive tried loads of torrent sites and legal movie download sites but still no luck!..tried, YOUTUBE, HULU, GRABOID, to name a few, but nothing at all!
1944 ealing studios film ‘THE HALFWAY HOUSE’ staring MERVYN JOHNS. ive tried loads of torrent sites and legal movie download sites but still no luck!..tried, YOUTUBE, HULU, GRABOID, to name a few, and a lot of sites that have been mentioned so far require payment or taking a long winded survey, any free of hassle sites?

admin answers:

Probably thats where i watvh all of the movies i want including some that r in theaters rite now

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