Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Donald asks…

what is a good website to watch free movies?

i want to watch a movie right now that doesnt envolve completing a survey or downloading anything or givung out my credit card number.Where could i find a website like that?

admin answers:

All you get from the sites recommended here are viruses.

Hulu and Netflix are the only legal sites that I know of. Of course you have to PAY for Netflix. So Hulu will only have older movies…. Cause it’s free.

George asks…

How can i get free video and movies?

like by downloading them and not having to pay.

admin answers:

Heres a list of some of the legal sites.

Paul asks…

Can you get viruses or SpyWare on your computer from watching videos on Youtube?

I love watching videos on youtube and ive had TONS of problems with Spyware and what not. Youtube is of course not the only website i go on but im just curious if i could be getting the viruses from youtube?

admin answers:

It is highly unlikely that you would get viruses or spyware directly from Youtube. It’s not impossible, but, in order to maintain a good public image, especially due to being owned by Google which has a very good security record, and also due to legal responsibility that comes with such large exposure, they take security seriously and have the funds to back it up.

Spyware and viruses will often be obtained from:
1. Software that is seemingly free but bundled with adware
2. P2P file sharing networks and the software itself
3. Illegal software/cracks/movie/music download sites
4. Porn sites
5. Free game sites
6. Free ringtone sites
7. Lyrics sites
8. Pretty much any site that offers free content in exchange for ridiculous amounts of advertising

Also, there are many viruses that can spread to your computer simply by being connected to the internet. It has happened to me. Install a virus scanner and keep updated. If you’re not behind a router or you’re on a large local network (like a campus, etc.), install firewall software.

Jenny asks…

Why is illegal filesharing so easy to common/easy to get away with?

When I say filesharing I mean movies, music, the whole lot.

I would just like to gather ideas of what other people think and if you could back up your ideas with reasoning or evidence, that would be great.

I have a couple examples like, because the internet is so massive, because it is not the main priority of governments etc..

admin answers:

It is very difficult to monitor every single piece of data transferred between the Internet and although Internet companies have the technology to do so, it borders on invasion of privacy. Besides that, if the government was to start arresting/fining every single person in the world for illegally downloading content off the Internet, then literally millions of people all over the world will be sent to prison and/or become bankrupt, which is obviously something nobody wants. Another argument is that “we ain’t doing anything wrong” which is obviously nonsense, but filesharing has its legal and useful uses too. For example, how do you know the picture I am sending my friend over Skype is my own and that I have full legal rights to it? You don’t. Not really, anyway. It’s incredibly difficult to monitor. The only thing the government can do to prevent it is to target the sites/providers themselves instead of the individuals who download the content, which they are doing, but still failing. Until digital media reaches the point where it is not possible to simply copy a file and send it to someone else, file sharing will be around.

Sharon asks…

Where do you get your videos for your MP3 player?

I have no idea where to get videos for my mp3 player. Is there a site I can go to? Please help.

Also, my mp3 player is a Samsung yp-t9.

admin answers:

Copy the video’s URL and past it in the box.
Http:// free you tube converter..
Http:// $13 free movies legal /free movies movies /free /free music

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