Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

William asks…

can you get in trouble for providing download links to songs?

I was wondering if it is illegal to have a website that provides “links” to songs from “Youtube” that people can use (the link) to “download” the song. Although, all I would be providing is a Youtube link to users, I would not be providing a download-client of any sort. Legal or illegal?

admin answers:

Ya it can be look at bittorrent or what ever it was called search engine for torrents got shut down for infringement when all it did was post links to torrent sites never did any infringement its self if that’s the case where does it end? Google gave me access to bittorrent which gave me access to to the torrent site but wait my isp gave me access to to google but microsoft gave me access thru my gateway pc which gave me access to my isp and my job allowed me access to to purchases my gateway pc which gave me access to my isp which gave me access to microsoft windows 7 that gave me access to google that gave me access to bittorent that gave me access to the torrent site found in violation of the THE DIGITAL MILLENNIUM COPYRIGHT ACT wtf they need to let everyone be how is it infringement if they already got paid once on a product? So if i go and buy a movie and let my friend use it he didn’t buy it so is he or I guilty of infringement??????????????

Betty asks…

What are your favorite legal and/or illegal websites?

Hacking, downloads, games, movies,… I’m looking for great sites, fun, useful, or cool.

admin answers:

My favourite website is because I’ve met some really cool people from there 😛

Robert asks…

Is downloading a TV show illegal when you can watch it on the official site of the show?

Is it illegal or legal?

admin answers:

In a sense yes, but no one can charge you unless you start making money from it. For example if you started burning DVDs with the show and tried selling them or charge anyone admission to watch the show you downloaded. But most people will download a show or movie to watch once then delete it.


Steven asks…

Where can I find free tv shows to download and put on my iPod Nano (the newest video version)?

I have been trying to find ways to get old tv shows in their entirety for free on the Internet so I cna put them on my iPod, but have been unsuccessful. The ones I have found have sound issues or aren’t clear.

admin answers:

You can get lot of TV shows from the membership site I joined few months ago. The iPod download membership site for a one-time fee of $35 (Life-time Access).

With this membership, I got unlimited download of song, video, movie to my iPod with no extra charge. And most important, it is legal and virus free

Check out the company review here.

Mary asks…

What site can I download American movies dubbed into the german language?

admin answers:

You should be able to do that at Just pick the language that you need at the beginning. I always get great quality and the site says that it is legal.

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