Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Jenny asks…

Can someone explain to me why my questions are being deleted?

It keeps on saying violation in the question when i type in a site. why?

admin answers:

Without knowing the specifics it is impossible to say as to why however: Questions without answers get removed by Yahooafter 4 days 8 if you extended it or no best answer” won the vote. You don’t lose any points.
If you received a violation notice although some times you don’t : This may help you avoid future violations. All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. However if you are very sure you have been wronged by all means appeal it, the link is below. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, questions about drugs even soft drugs, etc. Even the polls section. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity. Do not use language you wouldn’t use when talking to your grandmother and that should keep you safe in that regard. Referring others as a moron, stupid idiot Nazi, retard or anything in that vein is derogatory and insulting to other members and clearly against the guidelines. Pay attention to the definitions of “chatting and solicitation , and what constitutes a question” Never insult another member, call them names, threaten, harass deliberately mislead or post anything in questionable taste.
Should you have axe to grind, agenda or cause to promote be it political religious social or anything similar, no matter how well intentioned you may be, this is the wrong place to promote it. Check the links below for more info.

If you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and i.d.

If your posts show any semblance or insinuation of bigotry, hatred, sermonizing or ranting you can pretty much assume they will be reported and deleted.

Yahoo will not give any specifics when a question or answer is deleted.

You might take the test to determine if something is reportable.


Here is the link to appeal:;_ylt=AqSixcLqgNB6qjbOqvw87AVs5SN4?

Laura asks…

How do i get a whole video movie file from a friend via e-mail?

ok, im having alittle issue….I make Disney crossovers, (I MAKE THEM UNDER FAIR USE LEGAL DEFENSE) Anyhow, mine aren’t great quality. A fellow YouTube has good quality, and i was wondering, HOW DO I TRANSMIT a file over 600MB from one PC to another Via e-mail?

admin answers:

If I’m correct, can email files up to 2000mb. What it does is it uploads your file to a server, and emails the recipiant the download link. All you have to do is to click register, put in your first and last name, email address, and that’s it. I hope you like that site as much as I do. Other alternitaves would be like aim where you’re actually connected to the other person’s computer and it can transfer files any size.

Sandra asks…

How are the chances for father getting custody of small child affected by mother’s criminal record?

If the father of a toddler has a spotless record – no trouble with the law, ever, other than a few traffic violations, while the mother is a convicted felon and has been adjudged a “Habitual Felon,” then does the father have a better than even chance of getting custody following a divorce?
No, Lisa. The situation I described is uncommon, but it is not that uncommon.

admin answers:

I’ve been a Father’s Rights Advocate for 20 years.

Many think the courts are rigged against dads, but in reality, it is more about attorneys unwilling or lacking the knowledge to truly fight for the father’s rights. This is why it is important to learn how to interview and hire the right attorney. It is also important to do as much as possible on your own and not pay the attorney to do it.

Part of the problem with getting your rights knowing what to do to prove your case, and how to remind the judge of their responsibilities. Let me start with the judge.

Always take people with you to court who are not there to testify. Make sure they are sitting where the judge can see them, each equipped with a tablet and pen to take notes. It’s best to use a Court Watch Form designed for this purpose. I have one in the manual at Dads House.

If the judge is not doing his job, using the info from this form, you can, appeal, and/or get the judge sanctioned and removed from the case. You file a complaint with the State Supreme Court at your state capital.

Start keeping a daily journal of all your activities. The most common way to prevent a father from getting his rights through the courts is a false allegation, usually sexual. Over 60% of divorcing father are accused of child sexual abuse, of which only 4% are found to have any relevance, but there are no penalties for doing so. A daily journal is your number one piece of evidence in court and you can even refer to it while on the stand.

Gather evidence. Check the site below to see if it is illegal to record conversations without the other person knowing. If your state does not have a law either way, than it defaults to the federal ruling which says one person in a conversation must know they are being recorded. You’re that one person. In Missouri it is specifically legal, in Kansas there is no mention either way. If you live in two different states, and one has a law against it, than it applies when the call originates from within that state,

Now, you can’t just record, you also have to transcribe it into your daily journal.

If you want to learn how to do all this go to Dads House in Yahoo Groups. Upon joining, you will receive a link for downloading a 200 page educational manual that can teach you what you need to know. Take the time to learn what you can and should do.

Bird Nest Custody

Can We Tape

Dads House

Fathers & Families


Fathers Rights: The Movie

Parental Alienation Syndrome

Daniel asks…

where can i get free i pod downloads?

It has to be other than lime wire dont ask why just want an answer it also have to be a easy way to download movies and music and all that other crap.

admin answers:

This is the site I get my music from, they have 1000’s of tunes, its free and legal. There is no software to download and they have all the latest music. You can preview tracks without having to download them first. All music is available as MP3 so they are compatible with all MP3 players and you can burn them and make music CD’s.


James asks…

Which site is the best to download video game torrents?

I remember a while ago I went to this website that had a great number of video game roms. I don’t know if it was completely legal, but I would love to kknow the site. It was something underground.

This site had roms for Sega, Nintendo, Playstation and other systems. Can someone please help me find it?
No it wasn’t a site like Coolrom. It was an actual torrent site that list ALL video games. It even had Playstation and Nintendo 64 games.

admin answers: or something to that effect. Downlading games / movies are not illegal if you legally own the original and would download them just as a back up purpose.

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