Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Nancy asks…

Legal sites to download movies?

Tell me now
i am srry 4 bein rude

admin answers:

Sandy asks…

Legal Film, One Time, Download Sites?

Does any one know a LEGAL site that I can pay and download movies from, but only pay for the one film, no long term sign ups or anything?
Any One ??

admin answers:

Although the law varies depending on your location, the last I checked, it is still legal to download torrents for free.

Mark asks…

What are the cheapest LEGAL sites to download movies and TV episodes?

Perhaps I should elaborate given the first couple answers I received:

(1) iTunes is 3 bucks per TV episode… I’m looking for the cheapest thing out there and there’s no way that’s even close to it…

(2) Netflix won’t stream to where I work (Iraq).

So, I guess my question is a bit more complicated than I originally let on. If I could just use Google to find the answer, I would have. 🙂

I’m looking for a CHEAP way to watch TV episodes and movies while stationed in places like Iraq and Afghanistan.

Thanks all!
I guess I also need to add:

(3) FREE downloading of movies and TV episodes is NOT legal, so don’t bother responding to tell me where to download stuff for FREE.
I guess I also need to add:

(3) FREE downloading of movies and TV episodes is NOT legal, so don’t bother responding to tell me where to download stuff for FREE.

admin answers:

U must pick a credible place, id say Itunes or something like that, something well known. Most movies and tv episodes have a set price.

Paul asks…

Any legal sites to download full-length movies for my Ipod?

I would like to download some movies that work with Itunes and my Ipod. Itunes doesnt have many choices…..
I will pay for the movies, ,,,just want a bigger selection than what ITunes offers. I want the movies to work on my Ipod and Itunes

admin answers:

Well for a start downloading any movie off the web is illegal, UNLESS somehow, you pay for it BUT it must be a legitimite website not a scam one..

Richard asks…

Is there a legal to use movie or TV show torrent download site. ?

I tried out bit comet and after a few downloads, my ISP said they were going to shut me down for downloading them? I do not want to do anything illegal. any suggestions?

admin answers:

The legality of most torrents is questionable. Since you are not downloading a single file from a single source the rules are vague but possession of that entire file IS illegal if it is copyrighted and not Freeware. Watch yourself. The FCC loves to make examples out of common people. On the ISP situation, Change your ISP. Most ISPs have a clause that allows them to do basically anything they want including booting you (making you log off then back on) and limiting your up/download speed.

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