Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Ken asks…

Where to download The Day the Earth Stood Still?

I have searched every where for a site that I can download or watch The Day The Earth Stood Still. Does anyone know where I can actually download the movie for real? Easy 10 pts for the best answer.

admin answers:

the pirate’s bay

you’ll need vuze or bit torrent for these to work but you can get a lot more than just movies through them (ie. Music, games, etc.)

These sites themselves are legal but please note that downloading their content may not be so proceed at your own discretion.

Mary asks…

Windows XP help needed urgent, it says my copy of windows isnt genuine and i think it will be curropted?

It actually is not genuine, but i want to save it, how can i save it.
I tried to update the security of windows and i think they hae spotted my windows as illegal.
Plzzz tell how can i save it now ?

admin answers:

Of course Microsoft knows your copy of Windows XP is illegal. Your motherboard sends out an identifier signal and your operating system also sends out an identifier signal whenever you connect to the internet. These signals go to Microsoft. When you register ( activate ) your LEGAL copy of Windows that is on the computer, these signals are then grouped together for that computer and that operating system. Microsoft allows one Windows license per computer. That’s how Bill Gates became a billionaire! Microsoft recognizes that the signal they receive from your illegal copy of XP wasn’t sold by Microsoft, so they won’t send your updates or protect your computer. And in case you didn’t realize it, beginning last month in June, the FCC now requires your internet provider to inform them if your computer address is using illegal web sites for downloading illegal music, movies and games! That’s the first step in the government’s takeover of our internet. I don’t know how you’d save your illegal copy of XP, or why you desire to save something that is virtually worthless. If you like Windows XP, find a copy for sale on eBay or craigslist and buy it and Microsoft can help you get it installed on your computer. You’ll likely find a copy of the new Windows 7 cheaper than the old XP! There’s a few boxed and new Windows XP editions available on Amazon, but they’re selling for over $225 easily. Just do the right thing and BUY whatever operating system you wish to use! You wouldn’t work for free, so why do yo expect the software developers and engineers to give their hard work away for free.

Nancy asks…

Can peer-to-peer programs track the download history of certain items?

I have noticed on several occasions that Limewire and Ares carry a disturbing amount of child porn, bestiality, and God knows what else in searches for more legal varieties of porn. Don’t these P2P programs have a way of determining the users who share or download such files? I find it hard to believe that it has never been reported, at the very least. Surely something can be done about it.

admin answers:

Yes they can. And as far as legality, prosecutors hands are tied, they Limewire are just a platform and not the individuals or organization that’s putting up the files. Currently Internet Service Providers (ISP) are shutting down you the user for downloading the garbage from these sites. I would say contact your congressman, but they get too much of a kickback (contributions) from these organizations.

In light of the recent $220,000 judgment against the woman in Minnesota that was using a music sharing program, I want to make sure that no one in my household is engaging in this type of activity. How do I check my computer to make sure that none of this type of activity is going on?

The dangers for those that install and run file sharing programs continues to grow and now there is a legal precedent for the music and movie industries to come after folks that engage in this type of activity.

The popularity of the original Napster (it is now a legitimate service), which is credited with launching the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing phenomenon has raised a generation of computer users that thinks it’s OK to download copyrighted material from the Internet.

It has always been illegal to engage in the sharing of copyrighted materials such as music, movies and software and this latest legal decision should be a wakeup call for anyone that has been taking this lightly.

Not only is there a legal issue involved, the P2P software used to connect with others is usually loaded with spyware and adware and puts your computer at a much higher risk of contracting viruses, worms or other malicious software that poses as a legitimate download.

Most of these programs put themselves into the startup of your computer so they automatically load whenever you start your computer, which also causes your computer and the Internet to be slower.

Start your search by looking at all of the icons in your Systray (lower right hand corner next to the clock). Float your mouse cursor over each icon so you can identify what each one is associated with. If you don’t know what a particular description means, do a Google search (for the displayed description) to learn more about what that program does.

There are over 150 different programs being used by various file sharing networks with new programs being released on a weekly basis. Some of the more popular programs in use today include KaZaa, Limewire, eMule, Morpheous, Shareaza, Grokster, iMesh, Blubster, uTorrent (or any programs have the term “torrent” in the name), Gnutella, Soulseek, Filetopia, WinMX, Bearshare and eDonkey.

The next step is to review all of the programs installed on your computer by looking at the list in the “Programs” section of Windows. Click on the Start button, then on “All Programs” and investigate any program that you don’t recognize by either opening the program or doing a Google search to learn more.

The third way to check your computer is through the Add/Remove programs section of the Control Panel. This will alphabetically list all the program installed on your computer and give you the option of uninstalling any of them.

If you do find that there is P2P file sharing software installed on your computer, you would be wise to remove it then run a complete deep scan of your computer for viruses, adware and spyware since these are almost guaranteed “companions”.

If all of this is too much, consult a trusted computer service resource as this one is too important to ignore.

Once you get your computer cleaned up, be sure to have a discussion with everyone in your household so they understand the legal, financial and infected computer consequences if they reinstall any of these kinds of programs.

Carol asks…

What happens when you get suspended on yahoo answers?

What did you do to get suspended and what happened?
it sounds like fun

admin answers:

Edit: I was suspended on my original account for referring a member to a movie download site. Suspension pretty much means you are finished with that YA account although unless you really messed up and violated TOS you can continue to use the email address. You can appeal but that is rarely successful, You might be best to forget it and start over again with a new account.Yahoo doesn’t play favorites, it doesn’t matter if you have been a member for day, a week,a month or years or are a top contributor the same rules apply to everyone. It also doesn’t seem to matter the number of violations but more the severity or perceived severity of the violations. Yahoo takes a dim view of SPAM, bigotry, pornography , insulting other members,racism, anything that even borders on illegal such as drugs even soft drugs, downloading movies, music programs etc. Or links to that kind of stuff Any of that can mean a speedy exit.
It is also a serious violation to have more than one YA account. It is considered to be cheating and If you do you could be suspended;_ylt=Ag1MyvoNQNX_1ok8kgYC2rBujSN4

Your old points are history.Yahoo just doesn’t give specific reasons for account suspension.
Here is the link to appeal.

You can read the guidelines and terms of service below, they tend to be very ambiguous, appeals are often a waste of time and points. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music, drugs even soft drugs, etc. Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity and if you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and I.d.


Maria asks…

is there any way to get movies from dvds onto my ipod?

i know that its legal (i know a lawyer, i asked) but whenever i put a DVD in my computer it wont let my rip it to iTunes!!!!! explain simply please!

admin answers:

You can use Cucusoft DVD to iPod Video Suite to directly convert your own dvd or videos to ipod. It works great for me. You can free download and try it.
Please refer this step by step guide:
Also you can search more information in the site
Hope it helps.

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