Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Richard asks…

Is reading manga online legal if those chapters have not been realeased in the us yet?

I live in the US the mangas are naruto and bleach.

admin answers:

Technically its not illegal. It’s like movies being available for download on the net. Its the ones that post/upload the manga & chapters online. As long as you don’t distribute for sale or give to friends then it should be fine. Though once its on the world wide web, everyone will see/download it.
Usually the scanlators such as tell us to support the manga when it is released in your region. Though, us readers are anxious to see what happens in the next chapter, it’ll be a wait before the next volume comes out so we want the next chapter.
For me, living in Australia, i read all sorts of manga but the only one is support / buy is One Piece. Like i still read one piece on manga hosting sites, the volumes are for collection and re-read in spare time.

Steven asks…

Where can I watch free movies online on iPod touch?

I wanted to watch facing the giants, but I found out we got rid of it. So I need it online. Anyone know what website?

admin answers:

Actually Danny . The makers of XviD have a secret new beta edition. Its not supposed to be out but one of the disgruntled workers leaked it after he was fired. The best part about the beta is since almost all movie streaming sites went down because of megaupload this beta is basically a pool of every movie you can want. Its 100% legal too. They found a massive loophole in the law but decided to not release it quite yet because of all the SOPA and Megaupload cases in the news. This new way of streaming movies online can not be stopped by SOPA or anyone and is currently up and running. I just watched Billy madison using the new beta so it actually does work. Luckily the direct download link is still up so get it while they dont know its floating around. For some odd reason this only works with people that live in the US which is understadable because its a beta I guess (Still dont get why). If I find an international edition I will repost it here. BTW it looks like the normal version when you are installing it but after its installed it will prompt you to “try the new platform” Anyways Heres the link:

David asks…

A legal website to watch movies on for free?

I want a wbsite that i can watch recent movies from and i dont have to download it either. I would like a website that a lot of people use. Thanks

admin answers:

Crackle and Hulu are two advertisement supported sites:

Youtube also has some movies on there for free, just use the search box

Donna asks…

How can I download tv shows for free?

I looking for a site that I can download tv shows like how I met your mother and simpsons and more like that xoxoxoxo

admin answers:

There are various unreputable sites that allow completely illiegal and illicit copies of shows and movies to be downloaded using torrents.

If you can obtain the episodes legally not only do you own a copy, and the tech support that comes with it, but you are also supporting the developers to make more.

Check out Amazon or Ebay for legal versions,
or alternatively you could attempt a google search for less legal alternatives.

Ruth asks…

where can i get the full audio for avatar the movie?

well i have avatar on my laptop but its in another language, so im wondering if there is somewhere where i can download the english audio, then i can combine them.
thanks, and the movies legal

admin answers:

I’m not sure if you can download just the audio, but you can save just the audio from the English version of the movie yourself.

For example, you can get the movie here:

(You may need to get a password first to see the post. You can get that from here: )

Then you can use a media converting site like this:

This site will allow you to save just the audio. You can also use this site to combine the English audio with the movie you have.

It would be a bit of work, so you might be better off just sticking with the English download, but good luck either way.

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