Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Sharon asks…

Which Bit Torrent Source has a comments section for BEFORE you download?

I mean like Isohunt, it had a comment section in the bottom before you download a link, sometimes this helps to determine if the torrent is legit or not, and I’d like to be warned about viruses from previous downloaders. Anyone know any site?

admin answers:

The comments are all there about the torrent. Others have asked the questions and either rubbished the torrent as a virus or praised it to the high heavens.
Torrents are torrents. You can never be sure if you are getting a virus… Keygens etc will send your antivirus blowing bubbles and wailing about Win32 Trojan.
.Legal torrents? You mean that the stuff you’re going to download is legal before you go get it?
Hmmmmm……now let me see if there’s any illegally acquired other peoples/companies/filmstars musicians copyright theft in the thousands of movies, PC and PS2/ XBOX games, Software that costs $NZ5000 to buy, the 40,000+CD’s I have….complete Discographies…of course its all legally obtained,
Legal Torrents??
Torrents are not illegal. Its what’s on them that can be classed as an infringement of Copyright laws if you download it and use it.
Warez, (they charge you $$$)
The Pirate Bay
ther’s heaps
The worlds ya oyster and life certainly ain’t a clam.


Mandy asks…

Need sites for downloading Hannah Montana The Movie?

Need sites for downloading Hannah Montana The Movie for Free.
Those should not depend on Graboid Video Setup.
B’cuz I have already completed my free bandwith.

admin answers:

If your super legal

Donald asks…

Where can i download TV in ipod touch format?

I dont want to have to re format all of my TV into ipod touch format so im looking to redownload TV shows like fringe, ER, Scrubs, etc. in ipod TOUCH format. any sites/ torrents you know?

admin answers:

Go to
The site reviews cheap movie and tv download sites, all of which are cheap, safe and legal. Try one of them out.

Jenny asks…

Do people get sued for downloading torrent?

Alright, if I download a movie once from a torrent site am I going to have police busting down my door and tazing me?: P Really though, is there any legal action that they can take against me? I know that technically they can, but I mean realistically can they sue me or anything?

admin answers:

Anytime you break the law you stand a chance of getting caught. However, with the assortment of ISP’s siding with the RIAA, and the MPAA seriously considering the same arrangement it’s more likely that your Internet connection will be suspended if you get caught.

Carol asks…

have you ever seen a law saying you have to pay a income tax?

there is no law stating that we have to pay a income tax, if you dont believe me go to so before you post on here and say something dumb go check out that site and watch the video America: freedom to fascism.

admin answers:

Yes, I have seen the law saying residents and citizens of the fifty states and territories that are part of the United States have to pay income taxes. Those laws are codified in Title 26 of the U.S. Code. You can read it at or at

The sections that apply to most people are 1, 61, 62, 63, 3402, 6001, 6011, 6012, 6151 and several others.

To read the laws exactly as they were passed by Congress, you have to go to the U.S. Statutes at Large. For the most part, these are not available online. However, they are available in most law libraries and most federal depository libraries. Do an online search to find one in your area. Our current tax laws get their basic structure from the Tax Reform Act of 1986 which can be found in Volume 100 starting on page 2085. Various other acts of Congress in the years since 1986 have amended that law to result in the current tax laws.

The site you link only includes movies that are full of conspiracy theory nonsense. A person has to drop all common sense to even believe half of what is presented there.

As for ‘Freedom to Fascism’, you should go to and and look up almost every tax argument presented in the film to see why the film is wrong.

Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution states, in part, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises,…”

Income taxes are legal under the Constitution because income taxes are INDIRECT taxes in a Constitutional sense.

In 1861, the first income tax law in the U.S. Was passed. In Springer v. United States, 102 U.S. 586 (1880) (A Supreme Court case), the court had to consider whether an income tax on an individual was constitutional. The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the income tax law that was in effect in 1865. You can read it at

After the ratification of the 16th amendment, the Supreme Court in STANTON v. BALTIC MINING CO, 240 U.S. 103 (1916) stated, “…by the previous ruling it was settled that the provisions of the 16th Amendment conferred no new power of taxation, but simply prohibited the previous COMPLETE AND PLENARY POWER OF INCOME TAXATION POSSESSED BY CONGRESS FROM THE BEGINNING from being taken out of the category of indirect taxation to which it inherently belonged…”

The book, “The Law that Never Was” by Bill Benson has been completed refuted. Also, no court has EVER accepted any of the arguments brought forth in that book. Here is a court case that discussed the book. In U.S. V. Thomas, 788 F.2d 1250 (7th Cir. 1986), cert. Den. 107 S.Ct. 187 (1986). You can read it at

The Federal Reserve act was properly passed by Congress and does not require a Constitutional amendment. While the Federal Reserve Act was passed on Dec. 23, 1913, according to the Congressional record, the bill passed the house by a count of 298 to 60. 358 members voted out of 435, that’s pretty good attendance. That’s probably better attendance than the current House of Representative gets on most days. The Senate passed the bill with a vote of 43 to 25. That’s 68 members voted out of 96. Again, that is good attendance.

The quote by Woodrow Wilson that the film says he made in 1919 is false. First, there is no record anywhere that Woodrow Wilson said the first part of that quote. The rest of the quote is taken from Woodrow Wilson’s book, “The New Freedom”. However, “The New Freedom” was published in 1913! Also, the book is actually a compilation of speeches he made on the campaign trail during 1911 and 1912. He was really discussing corporate monopolies and not the Federal Reserve (which didn’t exist yet) or the banks. You can read “The New Freedom” for yourself at

The Federal Reserve is independently audited every year. Those audits and more are part of the Federal Reserve annual report to Congress.

Look at all I have written refuting many points in the movie, “Freedom to Fascism” and that’s only the first five minutes of it.

BTW, Sherry Peel Jackson, one of the people interviewed in the movie was tried for willful failure to file and tax evasion on Oct. 29 and 30, 2007. GUILTY on all counts. Sentencing was on February 14, 2008 and she was sentenced to 4 years in prison. Additionally, SHE STILL HAS TO PAY HER TAXES.

A few people have successfully beaten criminal charges, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a law any more than O.J. Simpson’s acquittal means there isn’t a law concerning the murder of your ex-wife.

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