Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Charles asks…

Does anyone know how I can download The Battle From the Narnia soundtrack?

I need to know how I can download for free The Battle from the Narnia soundtrack to my computer so I can use it for movie maker. (Before answering, please make sure you don’t have viruses. Last time people answered, I got a ton.)

admin answers:

Legal sites don’t have virus
illegal sites do

free music is illegal 99.9% of the time, unless the artist allows it

that violates the copyright laws

George asks…

What DVD writer would be good for backing up Xbox 360 games?

Does anyone know a good DVD burner that burns/rips slowly and very thoroughly? I’m trying to make backups of my games, and yes; it is legal to make backups of your games if you own the game. I can’t find the Pioneer dvd-r a04 for sale, which is the most common one. Thanks

admin answers:

You need your XBox 360 to be modified with a mod-chip before you play games or movies.
Of course it can play any game of your own, and any movie (also DivX as you asked) as you wish after you get your XBox 360 mod-chip installed!

It’s a very mature technical now so it won’t have problem if you get your XBox 360 modified.

Also you can download any PAL or NTSC XBox 360 game as you wish online now.

About the downloading and backup and copy games service: There are serveral sites providing such download services. They are very excellent on the contents, not only Complete big XBox 360 games like Metroid, LOR, American Idols and Guitar Heroes etc. But also many movies, XBox 360 tv shows, music and videos much more!!!

All you need is to join one of those sites to download so many resources. So you can download all those media as you wish!

And some sites can provide simple software help you to burn the ISO Games into DVDs, it is very easy and fast. After the instructions by them, you can go ahead to play those games you burned onto your XBox 360.

Maybe a good review site to those download sites might help you very much on judging which is one is the best for you:

Good luck and have fun with your XBox 360!

Maria asks…

How can I download music on my Ipod from somewhere other than Itunes?

admin answers:

Tired of paying 99c for every song at itunes? Frustrated in trying Downloading Ipod Nano Music from the free download websites that aren’t really free? Ever wondered whether these so called free download sites are really legal!!!

Don’t despair !!!

There are other sites that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many ipod songs, games, and movies as you can handle for a full year (or even longer). Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for one year unlimited access. Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?


Michael asks…

What’s really illegal:download movies or put movies on sites for others to download them?

admin answers:

Both are illegal under the assumption that the downloader is not a legal owner of the material.

Say for example I download the anime Fruits Basket. Since I already own Fruits Basket on dvd, this is not a crime. If however, I just downloaded it without owning, that is stealing.

Making movies available for download to non-owners is illegal. You have no right to the content and therefor are not an approved distributor.

Donald asks…

is peerblock safe to use when downloading movies and music?

i have never gotten a letter from either one of my isps-i have been downloading for years at least the last ten years i know of!

admin answers:

If the material is made available by the copyright owners, then you are OK, at least from a legal standpoint. However, any web site that offers pirated material can be a source of infections.

If you want free content, then get content that is offered free by its producer(s).

If you want to use commercial content, then pay for it. If you don’t, that is stealing. People have worked hard, often for months or years (yes, it takes that long) to create their products. They deserve to get paid for their efforts. How would you feel if you had worked on something for months, planning on making a living with it, and somebody started giving it away free, and you didn’t get a penny for all of your effort?

When people download material illegally (songs, movies, software, etc.) that gives the big companies more ammunition to take to Congress when they next try to take away more of the few rights we still have under Copyright law. So you are hurting everybody, even those who do not do illegal downloads.

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