Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lizzie asks…

Can anyone tell me how to make a copy of a dvd that is copyrighted?

I want to burn copies of my movies to take on a family vacation. I tried using dvd shrink with Nero 7 as someone suggested, but it is not working! Please if anyone can help me, I’m desperate. I have a 10 hour long car ride with 3 kids coming up!!!
first of all I do not believe it is illegal to make a copy of something that you own for your own use. This is not pirating and is no different then making a copy of a cd into a tape. I don’t want to bring the originals because my 6 year old will be in charge of the DVD player and I don’t want them scratched and ruined!

admin answers:

Under the Fair Use Act you can make a legal backup of copyrighted material you own. I for one, take advantage of that because I have children that I do not allow to use the Original CDs or DVDs. They get to use the copied ones. For DVDs I use DVDShrink – you will have to google for a download site because the main site doesn’t host the actual file. DVDShrink is a program itself and I don’t know how you would use it with Nero 7. I have used DVDShrink a lot with out any issues. I know some – like Walt Disney movies sometimes give problems because of a different copy protection, you just have to play around with it. Anyway, hope this helps…

Jenny asks…

how do i find who is using my ID/credit card # to purchase online memberships and items over the internet?

recently discovered that someone used my maiden name and old address to purchase a membership to an online music site where they could download music and movies. doesn’t seem to want to refund my monies. A local police report has been filed, and the FTC have been notified.

admin answers:

Ummm… That doesn’t seem like the Juristiction of the Federal Trade Commitee, but that’s more your business than mine.

As far as IDing the perp, you have two options open to you.

The Tech Resource: This is very simple, but also harbors the greatest chance of inaccuracy. Simple present the ID/cc# to musicetc with the police report number and request cooperation with the case investigation. Your response should come back shortly with something legal sounding in it, because now the company will begin to cover its own ass, this is your chance to request the email and/or ISP that was established with the purchase. Give both pieces of info to the police (hinesight, they’ve probably already done this if they’re persuing your case at all) and they will handle the actually tracing.

The Holmes way: Supposing you don’t have a PO Box and someone didn’t just reach through from behind and take your mail, the only person who would normally have access to your maiden name and cc# are people who know you personally. You’d be suprised how often people who go blind-dating (for example) get scammed out of valuable info (all he has to do is copy it onto a napkin and he’s good to go). Who do you know of that might have or have had access to such information in the past? Chances are this person is either out of touch with you and thus thinks they can get away with it, or has something personal against you.

Either way, you’re dealing with a person who lacks criminal genius because they must surely know that the downloads, as well as the internet activity can be traced from bandwidth logs and unless they’re a hacker (which isn’t verly likely), you’ll see justice served out in no time at all.

Michael asks…

Anyone know a place where I can get these movies?

On Halloween my sister and I want to watch some scary movies, we have the old ones picked out but I need to know where I can find these, other than on amazon because i don’t want to have to buy them.

visitor q
the last house on the left

i can’t seem to find them anywhere…help? Oh and I live in Wisconsin, so if it’s a place in wisconsin that would be awesome.

admin answers:

You could see if has them, its supported by the film industry, its legal and free (supported by ads).

You could try to get a account and see if they have them to download. I would search the movies and see if they are available first before you sign up.

You could go to and look them up, its an illegal site but you don’t have to download anything so the MPAA won’t come after you or anything. They only come after people that download the movies illegally.

Donald asks…

how do i start downloading music on

i dont see any links or anything and i just payed for my account and downloaded all the software.

admin answers:

You’ve more than likely just been scammed into paying for software that is available for free (presumably limewire/frostwire/a bittorrent client), but it is still illegal to use that software (whatever it is) for downloading copyrighted content/music/films:
What is inside the member’s area?
You will find all of the latest tools for accessing the largest file networks on the planet. Members have access to the necessary tools to search and download all kinds of files for your iPod or computer.

by all means contact them about the ‘satisfaction guarantee’:

but i can tell you that they aren’t providing anything more legal than any piece of filesharing software out there and mcafee’s site advisor doesn’t have good things to say:

legitimate, legal, trustworthy sites do NOT operate on a one-time-fee-download-as-much-as-you-want basis because they would not be making enough to pay the artists and movie companies the royalties they’re legally entitled to.

Robert asks…

Where can I legally and safely download music?

Okay so I wanted to download two songs that are impossible for me to get on iTunes/Rhapsody, so I was wondering if there are any sites I could possibly go to besides Limewire and Bearshare, that are LEGAL and SAFE for me to use. On the other hand, I would like it to have a wider variety of music than iTunes and Rhapsody (Can’t find anything there!) so please, answers would be nice!

admin answers:

Mp3 rockets, which is only exclusive to member only, which is definitely the choice you will want to consider. They allow you to download unlimited mp3 music, video and movie. It is safe and they also provide 24x 7 hours support to member.

Get a review for mp3 rockets, Klite, limewire and more before you make your choice.


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