Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

William asks…

Is it legal to create a for-profit movie fan site?


Two questions:

1. I was wondering if it is legal to create a for-profit fan site (with a discussion forum, advertisements, etc.) for movies?

2. Are you allowed to display movie posters, photos from the movie, and so on, without permission?

I’d greatly appreciate feedback on this. Please site your source of information.

admin answers:

Absolutely not. Just because something has appeared in public, or can be obtained for free, does not mean it is no longer copyrighted. Copyright lasts according to the date of the death of the author and has nothing to do with being “available on the internet” or anywhere else for free.

If I were to find a key in the street that fits your house, would it be okay to pass it around to all my friends and tell them to pay you a visit and to take whatever they want? Could I sell that key on eBay?

Offering copies (to download and view in a browser) of someone else’s artwork, photographs, music, movie clips and so forth without permission is a blatant copyright infringement and you will be sued by the producers, the authors, the performers, and their descendants. Charging money for it will also trigger criminal penalties and you will be contacted by the US Attorney’s office during their investigation of this federal crime.

The ownership of copyright has nothing to do with ownership of a copy, or even the fact that “someone” posted a copy on the web. Unless that copy were legally posted, any further copies are also illegal.

Furthermore, if you atttempt to use movie things to “sell” ad space, you could be in violation of the commercial publicity rights of anyone who appears in any of the graphics, as well as trademark infringement.

However, if you’re actually selling memorabilia, you may be able to describe it (truthfully) as part of your ad, but not post pictures of it.

Carol asks…

What free music download sites are compatible with iPod touch?

admin answers:

Alls you need is a computer YouTube w/t downloader(google it) iTunes and a re-wrightable cd rom. the video with song you want.
2.copy the URL YouTube downloader
4.paste the URL you copied in the pillbox download file when box comes up so its easy to find in documents
7.when it’s done downloading open start menu and click documents.
8. Find the file you recently downloaded and right click. From the menu you get click “open with” a window will come up that most of the time will say QuickTime player. Click browse and find iTunes.
9.from here it will open the video in iTunes and will start playing it. Exit out of iTunes and then bring it up again. movies and the file will be in there.
11. Start a new playlist and add just that movie to the playlist.
12. This is the most important part or it WILL NOT WORK! Go to edit and open preferences and find import settings. Open menu and set it to mp3. load the BLANK cd in and wait for it to show up on iTunes. When it shows up go to the playlist and right click it. Click burn to cd. Let it burn the playlist to the cd, when it’s done you’ll here a chime.
14.delete the playlist and movie.
15.import the cd and you’re good to go!!!

P.S. As far as I know I don’t know if it works on a Mac only pc. And yes. ITS LEGAL!

John asks…

What sites can i use for my zen vision m?

which websites can i use to download movies and videos onto my zen ? please help

admin answers:

The creative Zen vision M is play for sure compatible so you
have many sites for legal music download
1.mtv urge
2. Napster
5.Walmart music downloads
6.allofmp3 match

Video downloads are available at
1. Cinema now
2.Amazon unbox

Mark asks…

Why was my question removed and what can I do about it?

I posted a question today and it was removed several hours later. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it what so ever. What can I do about it? Is there anyone or anywhere I can complain? Is there anywhere I can find why it was removed?

admin answers:

All it takes is 2 “trusted” members to report you and the bots remove it appeals are often a waste of time and points. Some suggestions, If you haven’t done so, edit you info so your questions and answers are hidden that way it makes it harder for trolls who enjoy reporting violations or presumed violations to stalk you. Also, avoid pages with controversial subjects such as religion, homosexuality, racism, pornography, any hatred, downloading movies or music etc. Avoid anything that may be remotely considered illegal Don’t give smart, flip or sarcastic answers nor use any profanity and if you believe you are being stalked go to other categories. You might also consider changing your avatar and i.d.
Yahoo will not give any specifics when a question or answer is deleted.

Possibly trolls reported it. Internet trolls are people who create problems for others on different sites while contributing nothing positive. There are many on Yahoo Answers, they report extremely small violations, which in many cases aren’t even violations; they also give “thumbs down” constantly often with no valid reason. Because of trolls, to protect yourself, if you haven’t done so already, you may find it best to edit your info to keep your questions and answers hidden that makes it tougher them to stalk you around the site. If necessary even change your avatar and i.d. Or post in other than your usual categories. Trolls often hang out at controversial sections such as religion, homosexuality and polls, when someone posts what they disagree with, they report them.You can of course appeal but unless you are really sure you have been wronged forget it.

Joseph asks…

How much of motion media can you use and be legal?

Hey I am fixing to make a movie for film class and I want to use some clips of another movie, but one of the rules is to keep it within legal copywrite standards, how many minutes or so can I use before I hit the legal mark? Thanks for reading and if you have a link please leave it. thanks

admin answers:

None of it, if it is copyright protected and not licensed for fair use as editorial content. Depends upon the purpose. I’d enter the title of the movie and ‘fair use’ or licensing conditions of use.

It only becomes a problem if you make your project available for public viewing. It may be the case that as long as you credit the filmmaker, you can use it.

Before Sony Music started aggressively suing uninformed cheerleaders, soccer Moms and clueless college students for copyright infringement for uploading/downloading songs from file-sharing sites in the amount of $20,000 per song… This stuff was never that big of a deal. But now that greed-monger corporations has made fleecing your grandmother for sending you a song or video clip their new business profitability model, no one is safe.

You can’t be too careful. The link below is a student’s guide to use of digital images, but also applies to all digital media.

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