Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Lizzie asks…

Can anyone help me find a free online audio book download site?

I just want a trial period no-strings-attatched (meaning no pre-pay stuff) website to download an audio book. Thanks!

admin answers:

One I can give you lots, yea I said lots!
First Google “audio book torrents”.
Then if you don’t know what a torrent is, don’t worry this is easy to learn, go to Bitcomet .com then with a little reading and a little practice you’ll be downloading, free.
Or if your machine is a Mac go to
Legal issues are another matter your on your own their, but believe me 10s of thousands do this on a daily basis and not only audio books but movies, TV shows, games, and more.
Ask any sources you care to on this somebody in your school must have heard of torrents.

Sandy asks…

Where can i dowload movies in mpeg-4 for my psp?

I can’t find any. And make sure it is in mpeg-4 or mp4 format for my psp. Most of the websites aren’t mpeg-4 or mp4 for psps. Thanks you.

admin answers:

I found this great site a while ago and it works great. It will work for PSP and Ipods. I download movies form them all the time and I hope that it is legal (It says it is) but anyways you should give it a try.


William asks…

Where is it free to buy songs,movies,and music videos?

Okay i have itunes but its always aggravating having to buy songs and stuff and especially the movies and music videos are way more expensive and i have limwire and i heard that can crash your computer so i was wondering what other FREE websites and sites that can’t crash your computer have movies, music videos, and music that i can put on my ipod??

admin answers:

Free to buy?
That’s pretty contradicting.
But it is NEVER legal to download free music.
Know that ahead of time…
But if you still want to do it, can hook you up. is another option, but if you were a law obiding citizen, you’d pay for your music and stick with itunes.

Richard asks…

Is there some type of portable device that you can download movies on and take them on the go?

Friend said she saw it on a best buy commercial.

admin answers:

Yes, you can download movies in you ipod, pendrive and then you can take them on the go! You should download legal movies from the site named as illegal movies gets you viruses additionally!

George asks…

what is a good site for downloading movies to burn to disc?

..and is it legal?

admin answers:

Watch Movies Free Online in High Resolution. You’ve reached the premiere online resource to watch movies online. We’ve got some of the newest movie releases that have yet to hit DVD or Blu-Ray, many of which are still in theaters

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