Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Daniel asks…

where can i get FREE and i mean FREE psp games?

some body please help every where i go i either have to pay when they claim its free or it a scam, im getting so mad. (PLEASE CAN SOMEONE PLEASE TELL ME WHERE TO GET (FREE) PSP GAMES). and i mean absolutly posotivly FREE!

admin answers:

So you are looking for free PSP downloads? There is one thing you need to understand first: there is nothing like a free PSP download. Of course there are free PSP download sites, but they are illegal and you will be getting into BIG trouble using these services.

But there are other sites that offer free PSP downloads that are legal. You only have to pay a onetime membership fee. After that you may download as many PSP songs, games, and movies as you can handle forthe rest of your life Membership to these donwload sites is low and varies. You will have to pay around $30 for unlimited access.

So once you paid your membership fee you have free PSP downloads for life. A pretty good deal and honestly… Don’t you think it is a good idea to stay legal?

Betty asks…

Is it illegal for music to be sent through ichat and then played into your itunes account?

admin answers:

Copying music is not illegal per se. It depends on what the copyright holder allows. So, for instance, if you compose a song and perform it, you are the copyright holder; you can do what you want with it, and you can decide what you want to allow other people to do with it. If you say that it is OK to copy and distribute it, then it is not illegal for somebody else to copy it; if you say nobody can copy it without paying you for the copies, then it is illegal for other people to make copies and sell them or give them away (whether by copying them onto CDs, MP3 players, over the Internet, or by any other means).

This is what the music and movie studios are talking about when they talk about “illegal downloads” or “illegal copying”. They hold the copyrights, and they have not given permission for the songs to be distributed. That is what makes it illegal.

On the other hand, some artists publish some of their songs on web sites and give permission for people to download, and sometimes to further distribute, some or all of those songs. In those cases it is legal to copy those songs according to the terms that have been set up.

Thomas asks…

i need a site that i can go on to add free music to my mp3?

i need a site that is free and possibly dont have to sign up for it.and deffinetly no errors so thenit can crap up my labtop.

admin answers:


Legal (and free):
Spiral Frog

ps. With frostwire or limewire, you can also download movies.

Nancy asks…

I want a psp to watch movies,browse net, play games from MEMORY CARD which one should i buy?

Just tell me the exact name. I can’t afford to buy games and movies on UMD’s now and then but can afford downloading them.Plzzzzzz help.

admin answers:

If you want to play games from memory card, you will need a PSP that has been HACKED with CUSTOM FIRMWARE, as opposed to one with OFFICIAL FIRMWARE.

Sony does not make, condone or approve of Custom Firmware, because Sony wants you to buy the UMDs, not download games to your memory stick and play them for free. It is illegal to download and play commercially distributed games which are copyright protected that you do not own, however it is legal to download games you do own on UMD for backup purposes or simply because you prefer to play your games off the memory stick. It is also legal to download “homebrew games”, which are games developed and distributed for free as “shareware”–some of these are truely great, such as “Guitarway to Heaven”, which is a homebrew game which is only available to those who have installed Custom Firmware on their PSP.

Retail stores will not sell custom firmware, nor will they sell PSPs with custom firmware installed. Obtaining and installing custom firmware requires you HACK your PSP, can be done in 1 of 3 ways.

1. Make the custom firmware and install it into a PSP with official firmware youself. To do this requires you make a “Pandora’s Battery” and a “Magic Memory Stick”. You can google these terms to learn how to do this but I warn you–it’s not that easy to do, but very easy to screw up, and if you do screw up the process, you most likely will “brick” your PSP (rendering it as useless as a brick.)

2. Buy a premade Pandoras Battery and Magic Memory stick combo off the internet–there are a number of sites that make and sell them for around $35 – $50. These can be put in almost any PSP and will install the custom firmware for you in a matter of minutes.

3. Buy a PSP with custom firmware already installed off of e-bay! If all this is new to you and none of your friends have hacked their psps with custom firmware, this is probably your best bet. To find a psp with custom firmware already installed for you, use search terms such as “psp custom firmware” or “psp cfw” or “psp M-33”. All these terms indicate custom firmware has been installed in the psp being offered for sale and many sellers will also provide instructions and/or include a memory stick already loaded with a number of games–some will even supply as many games of your choosing as the memory stick will hold.

To download and watch movies on the memory stick, again, you need a psp hacked with custom firmware and then you can play any movie which has been converted to MP4 format. There’s lots of movies already available in this format on the internet, and there’s lots of free programs which will enable you to take DVDs you own or have rented and copy and convert them to MP4 format to play on your PSP memory stick.

To browse the internet, well you don’t need custom firmware for that, just an internet server with “wifi” capability.

Hope this helps.

Mary asks…

Is there a website where you can download free full length movies?

admin answers:

This site:


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Just enter your search and all sites playing the movie or T.V. Show will be displayed for you to choose from.
OVGuide has an awesome free movies search engine… OVGuide indexes all the free movies/tv sites and searches them simultaneously… So if a movie is out there for free, OVGuide will find it.
I haven’t been to the theater in 2 years!
And it is totally legal it even has Microsoft as an advertiser

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