Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Legal

Nancy asks…

How can I find online movies on the wrath of athena/minerva?

admin answers:


this site gives you the choice whether to download or watch movies online, their free and 100% legal. They do require you sign up for a 30 day trail though but this is 100% free also!

Its great been using their site for months. Once your trial runs out just sign up for another free one.

The website is

hope that helps you!

Thomas asks…

Is downloading music from youtube illegal?

I want a straight answer from an authority and if it is legal then give the official website to use to download music from youtube to ipod.

admin answers:

Downloading song is NOT illegal. Most who people do download songs end up breaking the law, i will explain.

According to DMCA, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is illegal to DISTRIBUTE, SALE, MANUFACTURE copyrighted material. It does not state that having copyright material in your possession is illegal.

How would they know if you paid for it or not?

Why People Get Caught?
People who use sites like Limewire, download music, movies, etc… The giver has now broken the law by sharing this materials with you. The reason you end up getting caught is because LIMEWIRE has a feature that enables your system to automatically share anything that have downloaded. This is where you break the law. Now you are a DISTRIBUTOR of copyrighted materials.

How not to break the law:
Limewire and other software program automatically enable the feature to share what you downloaded plus other items in your PC. You must find what your system is sharing and disable this feature within LIMEWIRE.

In recent News, a lady was sued to pay the records companies somewhere around 2 Millions Dollars. She is an idiot.. I read the full article. She was sued the first time for $220,000.00, during trial she was offered the option to settle for $3000 to $5000, she said NO, like 10 other people of the 30,000 active cases today. She thought she could fight breaking the law. So she lost the first case and ended up owing $220,000.

She went back and appealed the jurisdiction and the trial went back to court again, this time the records companies sued for 2.00 million dollars, however during the trial they offered to settle with her again and she turned the offer down a second time… She lost the trial again and now owes 2.00 million dollars to the records companies.

She got caught because the records company was able to successfully download music from her machine. They traced to her PC and her email account registered on the P2P software she was using.
Http://,2933,527284,00.html (Read the story for yourself)

I do not advocate downloading music, because it does prevent you from purchasing music. But I do want to EDUCATE those who don’t know the laws…

Laura asks…

Who monitors downloads from file sharing sites?

I’m just wondering, because of the woman in US who was recently taken to court for downloading like 2000 songs from a file sharing site. How was she found out and why was she made an example of? Surely there are millions of people who download movies/songs/tv (albeit illegally?) Do the file sharing sites like Limewire, Bearshare & the rest not monitor what’s actually being downloaded?

admin answers:

All Internet providers monitor the downloads from every user. Most have a legal contract with the entertainment industry to tell them who doing what. The women you mention was singled out as a example that they will come after you weather it’s one download or 2000.

John asks…

does anyone know where to read Amon Game by Atsuya Uki online?

i’ve looked everywhere and I just can’t find out a site where I can read it…if possible, just online, without downloading, paying, or anything like that. I watched the movie Cencoroll which came from Amon Game but no one seems to have Amon Game anywhere. Anyone know where I can read it?
all right, so if I shouldn’t read it online, does anyone know where I can buy it from a store around the eastern coast of america?

admin answers:

There is no FREE and LEGAL site to read Amon Game. Any site that would have it, would have stolen it from Atsyuya Uki. Authors write to earn a living. Respect that.

Paul asks…

Where can I download/watch the first Balto movie?

I’ve checked youtube,, veoh, and just plain old searching the internet, but I can’t seem to find a place to watch it anywhere. Any suggestions?

admin answers:

I found it at I always get great quality and no viruses plus the site says it is legal.

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