Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Reviews

George asks…

Where can i download the soundtracks of the movie “White Noise 2 The light 2007”?

Does anyone know where i can get all the soundtracks of the movie White Noise 2 the light?
Please don’t give me the site that wants you to pay or just review details, i want the download link or site where i can find them.

admin answers:

You ought to know that it is ILLEGAL to STEAL COPYRIGHTED material such as this by downloading it for FREE!

Robert asks…

Where can I download full length, DVD quality movies for free, without spending a single cent?

I am trying where they say they let you download dvd quality movies. they offer a freebies account and say they will give you $15 to send them your blog/site URL address. that money is spent on movies. you earn money($5) by posting a review about the movie you downloaded on your site/blog. I have sent them my blog url and they haven’t given me the $15 dollars, so now I’m just looking for another place online where I can download DVD quality movies 100% free without any costs at all.

admin answers:

Mary asks…

What’s your download speed? How do you connect to the internet? Do I need a new in-home wireless router?

I just tested download speed at these sites:

and discover my download speed is just 150kbps…
… that a movie will take 11 hours to download….
… no wonder that my ROKU player and Internet Phone service suck.

Can it be partly my in-home wireless router?
I found one online that is supposedly especially for gaming, movie downloads, and VoIP. Do you think that might help… or is it simply my ISP and I need a different service tothe house?

What’s your download speed?
How long to download a movie?
Who’s your Internet Service Provider?


admin answers:

I have my Internet provided by Time Warner Cable. Using the Speakeasy test I got 28.35Mbps download speed. According to it is 22.78Mbps. According to the CNet test it is 24.52Mbps. The differences are due to where the servers are located that the data is streamed from, but yeah. Your ISP is the problem, not any router. A router simply splits your available bandwidth up between multiple computers or other devices that can access the Internet, like iPhone/iPod touch through wifi.

You either need a different service provider or need to pay for a package that includes more bandwidth. A lot of providers will offer a dirt-cheap service level to attract new customers but the speed is horrific. 150kbps is not even high-speed Internet. If I remember correctly, dial-up modems were around 50kbps in real-world speed.

I don’t download movies, but I download a podcast every day from a paid premium account for a radio host, and the MP3 file is usually right around 65-68MB in size, which about 1/10 the size of a standard movie available (legally I’m sure) for download on the torrent sites (for educational purposes only). To download those podcasts it takes about 3 minutes. 150kbps download speed is not acceptable. Find out what your bandwidth is supposed to be from your current ISP. If it’s more than that trickle, complain and have a tech come out to diagnose the problem. If 150kbps is what you’re paying for, pay for more, because that’s got to be painful.

Nancy asks…

What’s a good download site?

I’m looking for a site(s) where I can download anything from music to movies or TV shows and programs. And maybe a review site where I can view others opinions on them to see how it worked out for them, thanks

admin answers:

Susan asks…

is it safe to buy/download movies from this website?

lol i was going to get my friend a “dwarf” porn vid as a joke present for his birthday and you can download it from the site after you buy it… – is this safe? like would i get in trouble or anything? the sites host is in denmark i believe but i cant find any reviews or any other sites with ridiculous looking “videos” haha.. and i’m not buying this for myself LOL so please dont say it!!!!!!!! |:}
ahh i didnt know if blockbuster had weird stuff like that lol… i’ll go check em out but wouldnt mind more opinions!!

admin answers:

Why wouldn’t it be safe? There are thousands of sites that sell videos.


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