Your Questions About Movie Download Sites Reviews

Sharon asks…

Where can I find Battlestar Galactica’s Pilot in HD?

I was looking for it online without having to download it and all I can find are bad Quality and I’m getting tired of sifting through review sites and torrent downloaders on goole, so I thought answers could help. Also a good dowload speed would be great too, as the pilot is a movie so if i’t s sow this would take 5 hours with a bad speed.

admin answers:

Try here, buddy:
I watch new episodes here online day after they are released…

Donald asks…

Help with my VLC media player (torrents)?

So i just got done downloading The Legend of The Guardians (torrent) and am so excited to watch it BUT there is one major problem & i am hoping the community can help me out here . .

I tried to play the movie on my VLC media player but once the movie starts rolling the clips get choppy and there is choppy pauses where the movie screen is pinkish-green? I think it’s because i downloaded a high quality blu ray copy and my computer cant handle it? I dont think that’s the reason but it’s the only one i’ve come up with… Do i need to install a different player? Your advice is much needed tyvm

NOTE: on the comments section of the site where i downloaded the movie, it had all positive reviews meaning im the only one having problems -.-

admin answers:

You are using an HD video
HD videos require DXVA(Direct X video accelaration) unfortunately VLC doesn’t support that.
DXVA support is required to use the hardware accelaration of your graphics drive
Try using KM player
its free and its the best when comes to HD files like MKV or MP4 with 720p an 1080p

George asks…

Is there anyway to limit someones upload/download speed in your own home?

You see, the problem is, im trying to figure out how I can stop, through technical means, on how to slowdown or stop someones download/upload speed.

When i asked him if he could stop, he said he wont because “he wants good reviews” and he laughed and walked off.

He uses a torrent, and is seeding, not downloading, like 12 movies right now. Is there anyway that you know of that I can slowdown or halt his seeding? It gets REALLY annoying when it takes 10 minutes to load my homepage, and 20 minutes to go to another site. So please, if you have any idea on how to fix this or cut it out, i would enjoy knowing. Yes I know what hes doing is illegal, but I dont want authority’s involved.

Also, this is my form of revenge by making my internet disconnect at 10:00 pm.
And no, i just cant pull the cord. Otherwise MY cord gets busted, along with the port on my comp.
Exactly how would i be able to do that, Gzus?

admin answers:

Well, not really much in the way of limiting the bandwidth on your side, but, you can add port restrictions, time restrictions, etc. To the router. A fun thing to do would be block the port range he is using for torrents, and shut down net traffic at certain times. Or you could block his MAC completely.

Mark asks…

Is a legit website?

This site that I trust for years now offers me to download a movie from a website called

Is this legit?
Is it free?

There are no reviews on my movie so I can’t look at customers answers!

admin answers:

There are no legal downloads of full movies as movie studios require the revenue from DVD sales and theater/TV showings in order to have the funds to make new movies. Aside from top stars, actors are on a strict SAG (Screen Actors Guild) pay scale and studios are not permitted to try negotiating a lower than usual rate

Mary asks…

Can my school track my downloading?

So i found this website called and a few other sites. It has alot of music you can download and ive found tons of stuff that id like from it.
But from its reviews on securtiy sites its full of viruses and malware, so id never use it on my computer.

So at my college on the computers there, everyone has their own login and it says that they can monitor you and stuff like that. Every week they completley erase all the computers so any viruses and stuff are gone so if i download from their i wont get any problems.
But by monitoring i know they can monitor the bandwith usage so if im like on limewire donwloading 5 movies and 50 songs a red flag might pop up… But theres like 5 songs i wanna download off this site, will they somehow be able to see that i did it? Like do they have a scanner/filter system that sends them a message when someones doing something that could possibly be illegal?

admin answers:

Yep your caught .
But 5 songs are not going to raise a flag over bandwidth i do not think . A song is small . Movies , yes. But you may be breaking the rules by downloading this and so they would be tracking that.
If you want to download music and movies make sure your antivirus is set to scan the files while downloading . Do not use lime wire or any other p2p virus getter. Go to a legal site and pay for a month or a week or something and get what you want . It is cheap. Or go to Plube or Zerosec and grab all the movies and music you want . I have never got a virus from either and i download tons of stuff. Use a download manager like Internet Download Manager . Be sure to scan for virus’ or is it viri ? You may want a rapidshare account also.

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